Error in Hubspot with Desktop Version

When pasting into Hubspot emails using the Desktop version, I am getting this at the top of the message body:
.windows-paragraph { margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; }

My format is as follows:

Your download of DataPoint{key: tab}Hello {formtext: name=Name},

The Subject line goes in fine, and windows paragraph error is inserted at the top of the message body before the Hello

This only happens in Hubspot. If I try the same snippet in Gmail, it works without the windows-paragraph line.

Hi @CaptainTime , thanks for flagging this. I can confirm the same issue from my side. We'll try to fix this asap, and I'll keep you posted on updates.

As a temporary workaround, you can remove the style formatting from the snippet. Let me know if it works for you.

Removing the style formatting from the snippet does solve the windows paragraph error, but then I have to reconnect the url in the Hubspot email where I want them to book a Zoom call with me.

Hi @CaptainTime, we have fixed the issue and rolling out the fix to our users. You will receive an update in a few days. Thanks for reporting the issue.