Extract text to Google Sheets

Hi @martinhgps,

I can think of a couple of ways of doing this, but let's tackle it one piece at a time. First of all, do you already have a method for extracting the data you want?

If you want to extract data from a page, you could do this with the {site:text; selector=} command, which you can read more about here: Text Blaze | {site}

You could then use the {urlsend} to send this data to a google form of your creation, which would in turn save it to a google sheet.

Here's a great example on how to do that:

That said, if you're looking to contact people on LinkedIn, you should know that we have a LinkedIn command pack that can (among other things) capture the name of the person you're messaging and insert it in your snippet.

You can see how it works here: