February Development Update

Text Blaze Highlights

:dart: Table Alignment Support

We've added support for aligning entire tables within a snippet. Tables are super handy for structuring forms or other data in your snippets. You can now left-align (the default), center the table or right-align tables within a snippet.

To align a table, right-click on the table and then select the desired alignment option:

:mag_right: Improved Dashboard Snippet Search

Finding your snippets just got easier! We've enhanced the dashboard snippet search. The search algorithm is now better, especially when you're searching for multiple words. Plus, we've improved the highlighting of matches within the search results.

This will make it a breeze to find specific snippets, even if you have a ton of them.

AI Blaze Highlights

:framed_picture: GPT-4o Vision Support

We've added vision support to the GPT-4o model. Previously vision support was only available in the Claude Sonnet model, but now it is also supported in GPT-4o.

Vision support lets you ask questions about pictures and other non-textual elements on your screen. When enabled, the model will have access to a screenshot of the currently visible part of your active tab. You can turn vision support on or off anytime you like.

:speech_balloon: Improved Markdown Rendering

We've made markdown rendering in Assistant responses even better! Spacing, styling like bold or italics, and the highlighted inline blocks you can click to insert are all improved.

Data Blaze Highlights

:heavy_dollar_sign: Additional number formatting options

Number Fields just got a boost with new formatting options! You can now add a prefix to the number, add a suffix, or control what decimal and thousands separators are used.

:link: Link Row Field Row Selector Improvements

You can now customize the row selector for Link Row fields. In the updated row selector dialog, you can now:

  • Select which fields are shown
  • Reorder the fields
  • Adjust the field widths

And remember... :hugs:

We're always here for you! If you ever need a helping hand, don't hesitate to drop a line in our Question and Answer community forums. And if there's something you'd love to see in Text Blaze, AI Blaze, or Data Blaze, we'd be absolutely thrilled to hear about it in the Features Ideas section.