Formatting a Drug List


I started a new gig job rounding in nursing homes. One big issue in my workflow is that I could not just copy and paste the drug list to my note. Drug lists are super important to me as I can track what changes are made if needed. They also give you a glance of a person's medical history.

I created a TextBlaze snippet to make this formatting easy. I used certain trigger words to tell the script to put an extra line of space.

{repeat: for x in clipboardlist}{if: contains({=x},"Start")}{else}{=x}{key: enter}{if: contains({=x},"Give") }{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Insert")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"spray")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Apply")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Inject ")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Instill ")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"inhale")}I{key: enter}{else}{endif}{endif}{endrepeat}

Here's a video of a copy and paste vs copy and TextBlaze Snippet:

You can replace the trigger words with other things if needed. Hope it helps someone!



{repeat: for x in clipboardlist}{if: contains({=x},"Start")}{else}{=x}{key: enter}{if: contains({=x},"Give") }{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Insert")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"spray")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Apply")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Inject ")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"Instill ")}{key: enter}{elseif: contains({=x},"inhale")}I{key: enter}{else}{endif}{endif}{endrepeat}