Formdate with a default date taken from another variable

Hi there! I want my formdate default to be based on a date that is set up elsewhere in the snippet using some numbers pulled from a Data Blaze table along with datetimeparse (shown below). Therefore I don't have a set of numerals to use. Is there a way I can use this date as a default?

{oldotstoiso=datetimeparse(concat(oldots,"/",{time: YY}), "M/D/YY")}


Unfortunately default values of form controls can't depend on other form values.

We're currently working on some updates that will make what you are trying to do a lot easier. They should be out in a month or two. We'll let you know when we release them.


Can't wait to see this new feature. It'll be super helpful in making it intuitive for the user.

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Just to mention: this is now possible using the new {run} command as part of our August Development Update

Here's an example:

Here I did input_val = data["name"] directly, but you can perform any other manipulation here like lowercase/concat/etc.

Please do try it out and let us know how it works for you.