Full commands and their modifications literature

Hi, is there anyway to have a detailed list of commands and their modificators. I´m trying to learn TB in deep. Just for example: Regex \d - +\s.+\s?.+-\d{4}, split, - join(map(data, item -> join etc etc etc
I don´t see them in "Dynamic Commands."
Thank you!
Best Regards

Hey @martinhgps,
Most of what you're looking for can be found in Text Blaze | Formula Reference .
Let me know if that helps;

Thank you!!!

Hi @martinhgps - on top of the documentation, this community is a great place to learn how to apply the commands. No matter how detailed the documentation, it's always going to lack your personal context.

So, definitely refer to the documentation, but I strongly recommend you come up with some use cases and post them in the forum so we can discuss them together and help you apply the most appropriate commands and workflow.


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