Getting {key: tab} to work on web documentation

Howdy folks!
Trying to get the Tab key to work on my macro. When I manually hit Tab, it takes me to the next text box. However, when I do it using a macro it doesnt work. Here is my test code below as well as what is outputted.
THIS IS DATA{key: tab}This is action



Could you please try the following? I added a delay in case that was causing an issue.

THIS IS DATA{key: tab}{wait: delay=+1s}This is action

If the above doesn't work, could you tell me which app you're trying to insert on?

I'd also be happy to join a call together so I can look into this further. You can email me as

This did not work. It just delayed the "this is action"
I am using a webbased electronic medical record called B Care.

Let me get access to the test server and i'll email you up and plan a chat