Help! Bullet points

This community has been so helpful. I appreciate you taking he time to consider my "beginner" questions! This has already saved me SO much time grading!

Question: I have a dropdown for one of my snippets but can't figure out how to make each option have a bullet point. Right now, when I choose several options it just comes out in one clunky block of text. I'd like each option to be on a separate line with a bullet point.

Can anyone help me please?

{formmenu: I thought you did well in these areas on this assignment:; default=Strengths of your work:; Your work was particularly strong in these areas:}
{formmenu: You responded to all of the prompts in the instructions; default=You followed all of the formatting instructions; You used language that was conversational and accessible; You provided excellent examples in your responses; You have a good sense of self, which is not something everyone can say; Your assignment showed great creativity; You really caught the finer points of the culture you chose for this assignment; Your assignment met the requirements established in the instructions; You provided an excellent amount of detail in your responses; You did well with identifying emotions and reframing the situations in the chart.; multiple=yes}


You can try something like this:

{note}{formmenu: You responded to all of the prompts in the instructions; default=You followed all of the formatting instructions; You used language that was conversational and accessible; You provided excellent examples in your responses; You have a good sense of self, which is not something everyone can say; Your assignment showed great creativity; You really caught the finer points of the culture you chose for this assignment; Your assignment met the requirements established in the instructions; You provided an excellent amount of detail in your responses; You did well with identifying emotions and reframing the situations in the chart.; name=feedback; multiple=yes}{endnote: trim=yes}
{repeat: for item in feedback}

  • {=item}{endrepeat: trim=yes}

Please note that in the community, the bullets will show up with extra space. We're currently working on resolving the issue of extra space with bullet points.

Here's what it looks like right now if you use dashes:
bullet points

We will send an update here when the issue is resolved and you can use actual bullet points instead of dashes.

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Thank you so much for your help! I am excited to try it out!

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