How Text Blaze helps Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals love Text Blaze because it enables them to focus more on what’s important in their roles: providing care. Text Blaze immediately saves you time by automating typing common sentences and phrases, but it can go well beyond that to help improve outcomes, too. Reply to this thread to share how Text Blaze has helped you as medical professional -- we'd love to hear from you!

Text Blaze can dramatically reduce the amount of time workers in healthcare are spending on charting tasks. This increase in efficiency reduces burnout, increases quality of care, and helps these professionals keep up with the increasingly large demands placed on them.

“Text Blaze can help a medical clinic manage time more efficiently, and in turn, see more patients.” -- Marc-Antoine Turgeon — Family Doctor

Let’s look at some of these challenges and how Text Blaze addresses them:

Challenge: Completing charts can take hours, and often have to be done long after a visit.

How Text Blaze helps:
By creating snippets for common concerns your patients have, charting becomes a breeze. Doctors that use Text Blaze have reported that time spent charting is reduced from an hour a day to 15 minutes, and can often be completed during the patient visit instead of later in the day.

“Using Text Blaze has decreased my workload tremendously. Text Blaze helps me chart accurately and completely while still in the visit. It used to take me an hour to finish my charts at the end of the day. Now it takes me about 15 minutes because I can close most of my charts by the end of the visit.”– Family Medicine MD

Chief complaint: {formtext: name=chiefcomplaint}

S: {formparagraph}
The patient is a {formtext: name=age} y/o {formmenu: male; female} complaining of {formtext} for the last {formtext} {formmenu: days; weeks; months; years; hours; minutes}.

ROS: {formparagraph}

O: {formparagraph}

A: {formparagraph}

P: {formparagraph}

Patient is a G{formtext: name=Gravid}P{formtext: name=Parous} who presents to establish OB care.
Patient is {formtoggle: name=sure lmp; default=yes}sure of her LMP{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=unsure of lmp; default=no}unsure of her lmp{endformtoggle} LMP {note}{formdate: MM/DD/YYYY; name=date}{formtext: name=shifting; default=}{endnote: trim=right} EDD: {time: MM/DD/YYYY; at={=date}; pattern=MM/DD/YYYY; shift={=shifting}280D}

{formtoggle: name=multigravid; default=yes}Patient has a previous pregnancy history that is {endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=uncomplicated; default=yes}uncomplicated. {endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=complicated; default=no}complicated by {formparagraph: name=complications} {endformtoggle}.

Past medical history and past surgical history is reviewed. {formtoggle: name=significant for\ ; default=no}It is significant for {formparagraph: name=significant history}.{endformtoggle}

{formtoggle: name=transfer ob care; default=no}The patient transferred care from {formtext: name=previous doctor}. They report they have had {formmenu: default=prenatal labs; 1st trimester ultrasound\ ; 2nd trimester ultrasound; referral to MFM; oral glucose tolerance test; name=pregnancy care items; multiple=yes}.
{formtoggle: name=records received; default=no}Records have been requested and received.{endformtoggle}{endformtoggle}

Challenge: human error can mean wrong information in a chart

How Text Blaze helps:
The AMA says that over 50% of clinical notes are copied and pasted from other notes. While finding time savings is nice, doing this is extremely error prone. Information not relevant to one patient may wind up in a chart, or this information might not be properly updated.

When using your snippets, conditional logic can help ensure that all of the right information is displayed, and all the necessary information is added to the chart. Validation can also ensure that no information is ever missed.

{note: trim=yes}Please enter the following information about the patient:
Age (number of years): {formtext: name=Age}
Sex: {formmenu: default=; female; male; name=sex}
{endnote: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=Tobacco/Nicotine use now or in the past; default=no; trim=right}- The patient reports {formtext: name=packyears} pack years of tobacco use{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{note: trim=right}{if: `Tobacco/Nicotine use now or in the past`=="Yes"; trim=yes}When was the tobacco/nicotine use?{formmenu: default=; now; quit less than 15 years ago; quit more than 15 years ago; name=tobacco; trim=right}{endif: trim=yes}{endnote: trim=yes}
{if: tobacco=="now"; trim=left} 
- Current smoker: The patient was counseled on smoking/vaping cessation and methods to improve success with cessation.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age >=50 AND age<=80) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago") AND packyears>=20; trim=left}
- Increased risk of lung cancer: The patient was offered annual screening for lung cancer with low dose CT.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age >=65 AND age <=75) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago") AND sex=="male"; trim=left}
- Increased risk of AAA: If lifetime cigarette use was more than 100 cigarettes, the patient was offered one-time screening ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysm.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago"); trim=left}
- Patient congratulated on having quit smoking{endif: trim=left}

{note: trim=yes}Please enter the following information about the patient:
Age (number of years): {formtext: name=Age}
Sex: {formmenu: default=; female; male; name=sex}
{endnote: trim=left}

Specific concerns for this patient, if any:
{formtoggle: name=BMI over 25; default=no; trim=right}- BMI between 25 and 30: The patient was offered screening for diabetes. The patient given information on healthy diet and exercise for prevention of diabetes.{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=BMI over 30; default=no; trim=right}- BMI over 30: The patient was offered screening for diabetes. The patient was given information on healthy diet and exercise for weight loss and reduction of risk of diabetes and cardiac disease. {endformtoggle: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=Having more than 1 partner in 12 months; default=no; trim=right}{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=Requesting testing for sexually transmitted infections; default=no; trim=right}{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{if: `Having more than 1 partner in 12 months` OR `Requesting testing for sexually transmitted infections`=="Yes"; trim=yes}- Increased risk of sexually transmitted infection or request for testing: The patient was counseled regarding safe sexual practices and was offered laboratory testing for sexually transmitted infection, including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.{endif: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=Sexually active; default=no; trim=right}{endformtoggle: trim=yes}
{if: `Sexually active`=="Yes" AND sex=="female" AND (age >=18 AND age <=24); trim=right}If sexually active female age 18-24, the patient was offered testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia.{endif: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=Female with personal or family history of BRCA related cancer or of Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry; default=no; trim=right}{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{if: `Female with personal or family history of BRCA related cancer or of Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry`=="Yes" AND sex=="female"; trim=yes}- Increased risk of breast cancer: The patient was offered BRCA testing{endif: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=History of diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use; default=no; trim=right}{endformtoggle: trim=left}
{if: `History of diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use`=="Yes" AND (age >=40 AND age <=75); trim=yes}- History of diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use: The patient was offered laboratory testing as needed and was asked to return for review of risk/benefit balance of daily aspirin or statins for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.{endif: trim=left}
{if: `History of diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use`=="Yes" AND (age<40 OR age>75); trim=yes}- History of diabetes, hypertension, or tobacco use: The patient was informed that there is no clear benefit for either aspirin or statins in their age group but that we will review recommendations for them at each annual health visit.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age>=18 AND age<=55) AND sex=="female"; trim=left}
- The patient was screened for domestic violence and, if able to become pregnant, was recommended to take folic acid supplementation of at least 0.4mg daily{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age>=21 AND age<=65) AND sex=="female"; trim=left}
- I reviewed that the patient's screening for cervical cancer is up to date or have referred her to OB/Gyn for this.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age>=45 AND age<=85); trim=left}
- The patient was offered colorectal cancer screening if indicated.{endif: trim=left}
{if: age>=65 AND sex=="female"; trim=left}
- The patient was offered a bone density scan for screening for osteoporosis if due.{endif: trim=left}
{if: (age>=45 AND age<=75); trim=left}
- The patient was offered screening mammogram for breast cancer if due.{endif: trim=left}
{if: age>=65; trim=left}
- The patient's fall risk was reviewed and, if elevated, multifactorial interventions, including exercise, were recommended.{endif: trim=left}

Challenge: charts needing to meet compliance and insurance requirements

How Text Blaze helps:
It can be tough to find a balance between how much time is spent with patients and how much time is needed to ensure that everything is captured appropriately for compliance reasons.

By adding exactly the right language to your snippets for any given issue, ensuring your notes are exhaustive is easy. Text Blaze Snippets are dynamic and adjust based on what you enter into them, so your snippets can output exactly what’s needed for compliance based on anything you enter into them.

“This frees you from having to worry about how comprehensive and pretty that note looks because that’s handled by Text Blaze. and that time can be used to give patients better care." – Executive Director of a home healthcare company

Patient has diabetes {formmenu: Type I; default=Type II; name=diabetestype}. Patient has {formmenu: default=well-controlled; not well-controlled; moderately controlled; name=Controlled\ } blood sugars. Most recent HbA1C: {formtext: name=HbA1C};{formtoggle: name=Target; default=no} {formmenu: default=(target <6.5); (target <7.0); (target <7.5); (target <8.0); (target <8.5); (target <9.0); name=target}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=Range; default=yes}Blood sugars are ranging {formmenu: default=between; around\ } {formtext: name=Acuchecks}.{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=Hypoglycemia; default=yes}{formtoggle: name=Adjust; default=no}{formmenu: default=Hypoglycemia noticed; Infrequent mild hypoglycemias; Infrequent severe hypoglycemias; Frequent mild hypoglycemias; Frequent severe hypoglycemias; name=hypoglycemias} {formtoggle: name=Range; default=yes}Low blood sugars are ranging {formmenu: default=between; around\ } {formtext}.{endformtoggle} {endformtoggle}{if: Adjust}{else}No hypoglycemia episodes. {endif}{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=Aware of hypoglycemia}patient is aware of hypoglycemia management{endformtoggle}

Additional ways Text Blaze helps

Beyond charting, Text Blaze is helpful in several ways:

Chat faster as an online health professional
Many Text Blaze users do online health care in addition to seeing their patients in-person. When chatting with your patients, you'll often repeat the same phrases throughout the day.

Saving those phrases or suggestions as snippets can keep you from typing repetively. Check out this case study with one of our telehealth practitioner customers for lots of specific examples of how they use Text Blaze to be more efficient in this form of care.

Considering you are not concerned about pregnancy are not breastfeeding, {formmenu: default=and have no allergies to antibiotics; but you are allergic to; name=allergies} {if: allergies="but you are allergic to"}{formmenu: Penicillin; Amoxicillin; Augmentin (Amoxicillin and clavulanate); Ciprofloxacin; MacroBID (Nitrofurantoin); Bactrim (Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole); Keflex (Cephalexin); Omnicef (Cefdinir); Cefpodoxime; Cefadroxil; Doxycycline; Clindamycin; name=ABxAll; multiple=yes}{endif}, I recommend {formmenu: MacroBID (Nitrofurantoin); Bactrim (Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole); Keflex (Cephalexin); Ciprofloxacin; Augmentin (Amoxicillin and clavulanate); Omnicef (Cefdinir); Cefpodoxime; Cefadroxil; name=ABx for UTIs; multiple=yes} to treat your urinary tract infection.

Reaching a diagnosis often requires complex calculators, which aren’t always easy to access
It is easy to use Text Blaze to create snippets that act as calculators. Inputting the review of systems is done in your snippet, and diagnoses can be instantly output. These calculators are available to you anywhere, with just a few keystrokes.

Here’s a few calculators that Text Blaze users love:

Ottawa Knee Analysis

  1. Age 55 years or older? {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=OKA1; cols=6}
  2. Tenderness at head of fibula? {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=OKA2; cols=6}
  3. Isolated tenderness of patella? {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=OKA3; cols=6}
  4. Inability to flex the knee greater than 90° ? {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=OKA4; cols=6}
  5. Inability to bear weight both immediately and in the emergency department (4 steps)? {formmenu: Yes; default=No; name=OKA5; trim=right; cols=6}
{if: OKA1=="Yes"; trim=yes}{OK1=1}{else}{OK1=0}{endif}{if: oka2=="Yes"}{OK2=1}{else}{OK2=0}{endif}{if: oka3=="Yes"}{OK3=1}{else}{OK3=0}{endif}{if: oka4=="Yes"}{OK4=1}{else}{OK4=0}{endif}{if: oka5=="Yes"}{OK5=1}{else}{OK5=0}{endif}
{`OK Score`=ok1+ok2+ok3+ok4+ok5}Ottawa Knee Score: {if: `ok score`>=1}>= 1 of 5, radiograph warranted{else}< 1 of 5, radiograph not warranted.{endif}

EDD: {formdate: YYYY-MMM-DD; name=EDD}
{LMP=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=EDD}; shift=-280D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}{GA=datetimediff({time: YYYY-MM-DD; at={=LMP}; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD}, {time: YYYY-MM-DD}, "D")}GA: {=floor(GA/7)} weeks {=remainder(GA,7)} days

{note}Units: {formmenu: default=lbs/inches; kg/meters; name=Units}
{endnote}{if: contains(units, "kg")}{note}kg: {formtext: name=weightkg; default=77; cols=6}
cm: {formtext: name=heightcm; default=175; cols=6}
{BMI=(weightkg/(heightcm^2))*10000; trim=yes}
Weight: {=weightkg} kg, Height: {=heightcm} cm, BMI: {=BMI; format=,.1f} 
{else}{note}lbs: {formtext: name=weightlbs; default=165; cols=6}
inches: {formtext: name=heightin; default=70; cols=6}
{BMI=(weightlbs/(heightin^2))*703; trim=yes}{endnote}
Weight: {=weightlbs} kg, Height: {=heightin} cm, BMI: {=BMI; format=,.1f} {endif}

Large amounts of information can be saved and accessed through Data Blaze
For certain situations, like choosing the right prescription or insurance codes, there might be hundreds or thousands of variations to choose from. Finding exactly what the right version you need to use can be really challenging.

Data Blaze is the perfect companion for Text Blaze, allowing you to store large amounts of information in a centralized location and easily access it directly from your snippets. Look up exactly what you need without leaving your snippets, and seamlessly add them to your text anywhere.

Here’s one way our customers are using Data Blaze to address this today:

{dbselect: SELECT Name, Category, Code FROM Codes; space=id; menu=yes; multiple=yes}
Names of codes selected: {=join(name,", ")}

Codes selected: {=join(code,", ")}

Categories selected: {=join(unique(category),", ")}

Additional links/resources:

Now that you've read this, you're ready to make Text Blaze an integral part of your daily life as a healthcare professional! Hopefully this gave you some great ideas about how to use Text Blaze to improve your processes. Reply to this thread to share how Text Blaze has helped you as medical professional -- we'd love to hear from you!


It is very valuable that it is possible to create templates and quickly fill out forms. I think that Text Blaze will really benefit doctors, and creating templates for patient notes will save a significant amount of time. Particularly useful is its ability to automatically fill in frequently used phrases and medical terminology.

Great post about the benefits of Text Blaze for healthcare professionals.

Good job. :wink: