How to implement a snippet that would expand a shortcut in Jira

Jira has a shortcut that will embed an info panel. I'm trying to create a snippet that will select the info panel in the description, but am having issues. It just pastes the /info command instead of initiating the menu.

Any thoughts on how to get this to work?

I have tried pause and enter keys, but that didn't seem to work.

Here is an example of what I am trying to trigger:


Hi Stephanie,

One potential solution is to use our click command to click the button in the editing menu that inserts an info panel.

You can add text or a form field in the snippet after the click command to add text to the info panel as well.

Here's a video showing how to set it up:

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to get on a call to set this up.


Thanks, Dylan! That worked!

I am now trying to select the type of info panel. I tried the click attribute, but that didn't seem to register.

See example of what i'm trying to accomplish:

Really appreciate your help!

Hi Stephanie,

I tested it out and added a second click command to the same snippet as before. I clicked "Select from website" then clicked the icon for the type of info panel (example: Warning). Now, when I type the shortcut, it creates the info panel and assigns it a warning attribute.

Here's how I did it:

The trick is to click the info panel again if the pop-up disappears.

Please let me know if that works for you and if you have any additional questions.

Argh - erggggg - for some reason I am unable to properly change the icon/select the selector...

I tried manually inputting {click: selector=.custom-key-handler-wrapper:nth-child(4) .css-97b63o} to no avail as well.

OK - I got it worked out by adding a pause between the info panels and using :nth-child(4) .css-97b63o}=


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Glad to hear that you got it working :slight_smile:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Got it all working now. Thanks so much!!!

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