How to move into an iframe/textarea

I already talked to someone from Team blaze, but since there was no official solution for this, maybe someone else has found a work around.

I'm trying to fill up a form, then move the cursor to a textarea/iframe and keep filling it. Right now I need two snippets, one for the form and one for the textarea. When I try using 'click element' the system can't find any element inside the frame. When typing myself, I can move into the iframe typing 'tab' 3x, but for some reason the snippet with tab 3x doesn't work (i even added some delays in between just in case), i can see the cursor moving between the elements and disappearing before entering the iframe.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi. I have a similar problem. I am unable to "click" (using the text blaze feature) between two different frames on the same page. It does not matter if I try to do it from 1 to 2 or vice versa. Therefore I am unable to fill two forms with just one snippet. It would be really good to find out if there is a solution for this.

When I use the "tab" key press to navigate trough the page it bypasses the frame in which there is the field that I want to interact with.

I've been able to fill out somewhat complex forms with Text Blaze. I'm not sure if it's helpful but I would experiment with key presses: tab, space, enter, uparrow, and downarrow. I would also try using Click Element.

Here is some of the code that I used for the form I use (just as an example):
{key: tab}{key: tab}{else}{key: tab}{click}{key: space}{key: tab}{endif}{key: downarrow}{key: downarrow}{key: downarrow}{key: tab}{click}{key: uparrow}{key: enter}{click}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: tab}{key: uparrow}{key: enter}{click}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: tab}{key: uparrow}{key: enter}{click}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: tab}{click}{key: downarrow}{repeat: 15}{key: tab}{endrepeat}{key: enter}{key: tab}{key: tab}{key: tab}{click}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: downarrow}{key: downarrow}{key: downarrow}{repeat: 5}{key: tab}{endrepeat}{click}{key: space}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: backspace}{repeat: 4}{key: tab}{endrepeat}{click}{key: space}{wait: delay=+0.1s}{key: backspace}

There are limitations because some elements on a page require a mouse interaction. You may need to look at mouse macro programs in those cases.

Thanks for your answer Timothy, but the problem is that when you have an Iframe is like another page being loaded inside the 'main' page. When that happens, the click element action can't find any elements inside the frame. I've tried using tab and arrow actions to move inside the frame, but so far without sucess.

Hi all! This feature is planned and we hope to launch this feature soon! :slight_smile: Right now there is no workaround for this other than checking if {key:tab} works for your use case.


I know it's been a while and maybe there was some update that now allows this solution. Today I was able to move into an iframe with this selector: {click: selector=iframe} , moving around it it's still tricky, but I made it work. For some reason the arrowndown is not working and I used 31 arrowright clicks (I would love to know why arrowdown is not working, the 31 clicks takes a long time)

Thanks for following up on this Fernando. There's no update on this yet sadly although I assure you we'll get to this soon.