How to use a list twice in one form

I am trying to use the same list twice in one snippet. I'm finding that I can't just copy and paste my list under Thursday, as it prefills with whatever I chose for Tuesday. I need to have the same options under both Tuesday and Thursday. How do I get what I have for list options under Tuesday for Thursday without it prefilling what I choose for Tuesday?

Thanks for any help!

Here's a copy of what I have:

Hi @K_Mercer
Form fields with the same name take on the same value.
You can either copy it over and change its name, or create the list of values as a variable and use that.
Here's what the first option looks like:

Task List

There {formmenu: is one; default=are two; } {formmenu: date; default=dates} in this lesson.

Work due no later than, Tuesday
Read Chapter(s) and review lecture notes{formmenu: 1; default=2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; name=Chapters Tue; multiple=yes}
Complete and submit {formmenu: EA #1; default=EA #2; EA #3; EA #4; EA #5; EA #6; MA #1; MA #2; MA #3; MA #4; MA #5; MA #6; QT #1; QT #2; QT #3; QT #4; QT #5; QT #6; name=try again tue; multiple=yes}

Work due no later than, Thursday,
Read Chapter(s) and review lecture notes{formmenu: 1; default=2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; name=Chapters Thu; multiple=yes}
Complete and submit {formmenu: EA #1; default=EA #2; EA #3; EA #4; EA #5; EA #6; MA #1; MA #2; MA #3; MA #4; MA #5; MA #6; QT #1; QT #2; QT #3; QT #4; QT #5; QT #6; name=try again thu; multiple=yes}

Special Notes: {formparagraph: name=None; default=None}

All work is due no later than 11:59pm.
I will accept these items within 48 hours after the due date for half credit:
Quizzes, Engagement Assignments, Mini Assignments, Quick Tasks
Other items will not be accepted late.
This includes any part of the group project, any part of culture project,any item in final lesson
If you do not submit any graded work for 14 consecutive days, you will be dropped from the course on the 14th day (this includes weekends/holidays/breaks- this is a department policy!)
New lessons open on Fridays. That means you can view and start the available work at that point. The work in this class is intended to be worked on over a series of days and not started on the day it is due.

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Thank you so much. This is very helpful!
I was going in circles trying to figure this out!