
[Treatment Rendered]
Recommending follow-up encounter: {site: text; page=*; selector=#sideChartAppointmentHistoryFrame .condensed:nth-child(2) > :nth-child(1)} with Dr. Jacob Richey
{import: /Rsum}

Therapy Rendered
{formmenu: Fall Assessment; Tinea Unguium; Nail Dystrophy; Callus Care; Generic Blank; MSK Generic; Fracture; Tinea Pedis; Sinus Tarsi; Plantar Fasciitis; Office Surgery; Ingrown Nail; CVI/Lymphedema; PAD Recs; Surgical Intervention Brief Discussion; Heel Fissure; Verruca; Equinus; Sprain; Biopsy Care Plan; SMART ABI; Wound Care; name=plans; multiple=yes; trim=no}

{if: includes(plans, "Fracture"); trim=yes}{import: /fx}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Orthotic Dispensing"); trim=yes}{import: /cmo}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Tinea Unguium"); trim=yes}{import: /tinea}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Tinea Pedis"); trim=yes}{import: /pedis}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Sinus Tarsi"); trim=yes}{import: /sinus}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Plantar Fasciitis"); trim=yes}{import: /fascia}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Nail Dystrophy"); trim=yes}{import: /dys}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Fall Assessment"); trim=yes}{import: /fall}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Office Surgery"); trim=yes}{import: /offsx}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Ingrown Nail"); trim=yes}{import: /matrix}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "CVI/Lymphedema"); trim=yes}{import: /cvi}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "PAD Recs"); trim=yes}{import: /pad}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Surgical Intervention Brief Discussion"); trim=yes}{import: /surgerytalk
}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Callus Care"); trim=yes}{import: /hpk}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Heel Fissure"); trim=yes}{import: /fissure}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Verruca"); trim=yes}{import: /hpv}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Equinus"); trim=yes}{import: /equinus}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Sprain"); trim=yes}{import: /sprain}{endif}{if: includes(plans,"Biopsy Care Plan"); trim=yes}{import: /biopsyplandisc}{endif}{if: includes(plans,"Hallux Abducto Valgus"); trim=yes}{import: /hav}{endif}{if: includes(plans,"SMART ABI"); trim=yes}{import: /smartabi}{endif}{if: includes(plans,"Wound Care"); trim=yes}{import: /homewound}{endif}{if: includes(plans,"MSK Generic"); trim=yes}{import: /mskg}{endif}{if: includes(plans, "Generic Blank"); trim=yes}{import: /generic}{endif}

{import: /rsig}

I am wanting to have the text associated with selected therapy rendered hidden after selection.

Hey @Jacob_Richey

You can hide content from your snippet from showing in the final insert using the note command. The content inside it will be visible when previewing the snippet, but not when inserted. So in this example, it would be like this:

Recommending follow-up encounter: {site: text; page=*; selector=#sideChartAppointmentHistoryFrame .condensed:nth-child(2) > :nth-child(1)} with Dr. Jacob Richey
{import: /Rsum}

Therapy Rendered
{note}{formmenu: Fall Assessment; Tinea Unguium; Nail Dystrophy; Callus Care; Generic Blank; MSK Generic; Fracture; Tinea Pedis; Sinus Tarsi; Plantar Fasciitis; Office Surgery; Ingrown Nail; CVI/Lymphedema; PAD Recs; Surgical Intervention Brief Discussion; Heel Fissure; Verruca; Equinus; Sprain; Biopsy Care Plan; SMART ABI; Wound Care; name=plans; multiple=yes; trim=no}{endnote}

...remaining imports...

This will allow you to make the dropdown selection in the form window, and the selected option won't be inserted when you press "Insert" in the form window.

Let us know if it works for you.

Very nice solution, thank you!