If statements in a list or toggle values not deleting dead space

I cant get the dead space to behave right. If I use the trim setting it just buds two statements or text chains up next to each other. If I dont use the trim setting then there is dead space for the values that were not selected. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Geoff_Kraabel
Can you please share a screenshot of your snippet and the output you expect out of it. That can help me to understand what you are trying to achieve and guide you better.
You can also refer to Text Blaze | Tidying Whitespace for fixing the whitespace better.

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 9.41.20 PM
Theres a bunch of drug choices and when using the the snipit you end up picking a couple of drugs. If I use the trim setting then it just buts up the drugs together so its in one line. If I dont use it then it leaves blank space where the drug was supposed to be but wasnt selected.

Thanks for the screenshot.
Does the below snippet help you figure out how to get the whitespaces?

{formmenu: Midazolam; default=Acepromazine; Cerenia; Atropine; Cefazolin; name=sedatives; multiple=yes}
Please use the following dosages{if: includes(sedatives, "Midazolam")}
{note}Midazolam: {formtext: name=Midazolam dosage}
{endnote}Selected dosage of Midazolam is {=`midazolam dosage`}{endif}{if: includes(sedatives, "Acepromazine")}
{note}Acepromazine: {formtext: name=Acepromazine dosage}
{endnote}Selected dosage of Acepromazine is {=`acepromazine dosage`}{endif}{if: includes(sedatives, "Cerenia")}
{note}Cerenia: {formtext: name=Cerenia dosage}
{endnote}Selected dosage of Cerenia is {=`cerenia dosage`}{endif}{if: includes(sedatives, "Atropine")}
{note}Atropine: {formtext: name=Atropine dosage}
{endnote}Selected dosage of Atropine is {=`atropine dosage`}{endif}{if: includes(sedatives, "Cefazolin")}
{note}Cefazolin: {formtext: name=Cefazolin dosage}
{endnote}Selected dosage of Cefazolin is {=`cefazolin dosage`}

I have used the {if} condition such that the new lines are only added for the item when needed.
And add a {note} to to add lines which I do not want to be inserted

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Not really, I am still not getting it to work. I really just need it to delete the bullet point/dead space if a drug is not selected.
Pick List: Cerenia, Trazodone, Atropine

If Atropine is selected then out put "Atropine 0.54 mg/mL: 1 mL IV"
If Atropine is not selected then delete line/bullet point
If Cerenia is selected then out put "Cerenia 10 mg/mL: 2 mL IV"
If Cerenia is not selected then delete line/bullet point

And so on

The issue is I have a couple drug pick list and 20 or so drugs so the dead space looks bad

Please mail us at support@blaze.today so we can resolve this much faster.