Interrupt the Wait command?

Hey there, I was trying to figure out if there was a way to terminate or cancel the wait command.

I have a greeting message that I’d like to add a "thanks for your patience" message if 3 minutes passes, but if I reply sooner than that, I’d like to terminate the wait. Is this possible?

Thanks so much!

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Hi Peter,

The best way to terminate a wait command is to reload the page (you could also close the page, navigate to a new URL, etc...).

Cheers, Scott

Hi @Peter_Monterubio - always the innovator! :slight_smile:

Can you tell me more about what you're trying to accomplish please? Is this for a chat platform?

Hey! Thanks for getting back to me.

The use for this is within live chats in Salesforce. We will greet the other party with a snippet and look into their issue. We would like to send a message to reassure the person that we are still looking into the issue if we haven’t replied within 3 minutes.

My thought was to add a wait to message to our greeting. Then if we do. get back within 3 minutes cancel the sending of the second part of the snippet.

@Peter_Monterubio - so I assume you'll be switching windows in the meantime. Not sure how doable that would be, due to the nature of how Text Blaze inserts snippets. But I'll forward the suggestion to the team and see whether we can come up with something.


To my knowledge of Salesforce, this is best done by building out the wait command timing of your chat client to automatically send the customer a message if X time has passed. Curious - Is this requested solution resulting from an identified customer service issue, or is this something you are wanting to do as an added feature to how you support your customers and keep them engaged?