Is there a way to import a list of options to a drop down?

I need build a fairly long list of options in several dropdown elements. Is there a way to by-pass entering each one and import the list? Full disclosure: I am brand new to Text Blaze. I know enough javascript, HTML, and Playwright to be dangerous.

I usually work with WordPress, but I'm using Text Blaze to speed up data entry for an auction application that's used by a 501(c)3 that I volunteer with. Text Blaze is perfect for what I'm trying to achieve. I started working with it on Saturday afternoon, and so far I've gotten our two main issues addressed with two snippets and chrome extension that pops up a page that we need to run one of the snippets on. Granted, I stayed up until 1 AM this morning to get it all done, but it's nothing compared to the hours I've spent working with other packages that didn't quite do the job.

Thanks for any insight because I may have very well missed something obvious.

Hi @Mary_Walker and welcome to the forum!

Yes, there is values setting on a formmenu which you could use to pass a list of options. I've added a small example below.

{options=["Option1", "Option2", "Option3", "Option4"]}

{formmenu: name=dropdown; values={=options}}

Thanks, Mansur! I hadn't realized what the values field did. I discovered Data Blaze last night, and it's doing what I'd envisioned. I know it's risky to use something in beta, but it looks promising.