Hi everyone,
I've encountered what seems to be a bug with Text Blaze while using two snippets with the shortcuts ;# and ;##. Both shortcuts are set with the option "Started and ended by Word Break: Shortcuts are triggered when they are preceded and ended by a word break (like a space)."
The issue occurs when I type two ## in succession. As soon as I type the second # for the ;## shortcut, the first shortcut ;# triggers, and the text expands. This happens even though there’s no word break after the ;## shortcut, which leads me to believe this is not the intended behavior.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is this a known bug, or is there something I'm missing in the configuration?
For now, I've changed my shortcut to avoid the issue, but it would be great to get this resolved or understand if there’s a workaround.
Thanks for your help!