Linkedin Sales Navigator- Company name

Hi all,

Been an avid user of TB for a while now. Wish to know if there is any way I can scrape the company name of my prospects from the search results on Sales Navigator with TB. The CSS selector does not identify any element when I click the company name right now. Thanks in advance!


Hi Shri_Prasad,

We support selecting multiple elements from a page - Text Blaze | {site}. All elements that match provided selector will be returned as a list. You'll need to provide CSS selector, in most cases Text Blaze can automatically create the right selector as described here - Text Blaze | {site}.

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Hi Mansur_Kutybayev,

Thanks for your reply, however I feel my query is still not addressed. How do I select a particular element (i.e company name) when the CSS selector says no selector found, even when I'm highlighting the element.


Can you email us at and we can arrange a call to understand the use case and help you better.

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Done, thanks!

Hey Mansur,

Thanks for joining today, it really helped!

I think I have finally figured it out. It's quite complex, but it does the job.

  1. To get the index of the prospect, with respect to the search result page:
    {index=location(slice({site: text; selector=[data-anonymize="person-name"]; multiple=yes},2),{linkedin-name})}
  2. To get the Role & Company name of the prospect above:
    {value={site: text; selector=[class="artdeco-entity-lockup__subtitle ember-view t-14"]; multiple=yes}[index]}
  3. To extract the Company name alone:
    {=split(extractregex(value,"[.\w\s\W]+\b")," ")[2]}
    There are two white spaces between the Role and the Company name which I used for my benefit.

This is going to make things really easy for me now. Let me know if this can be further optimised, but thanks again for the help.
