Log LinkedIn profile page information into Data Blaze

Read Linkedin profile information and store it in a Data Blaze table
Create a Data Blaze table with the following columns:
First name, Last name, Job title, Location, Company, URL and email
Update the DB insert command to point to the correct table

Writing LinkedIn Profile info to Data Blaze - Watch Video


Extract the email from the clipboard and update the contact information with it. This uses the URL to find the correct contact.

{url={site: url}}{email=catch(extractregex({clipboard}, "([\w-]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+)"),"")}
{if: email<>""; trim=left}{dbupdate: UPDATE LinkedIn SET email=@email WHERE url == @url; space=3jOppIn3VfKVnIKOXgVYZR; autoaddfields=no}{endif: trim=right}