May Development Update

:globe_with_meridians: Use the Text Blaze Dashboard in Your Language

You can use any language in your snippets and we have extensive support for customizing dynamic dates and numbers using locale specific formatting.

For example:

Current date in date in English: {time: LL; locale=en}
Current date in date in Spanish: {time: LL; locale=es}
Current time in date in Chinese: {time: LL; locale=zh}

In addition to different languages in your snippets, did you know it is also easy to use the Text Blaze Dashboard in languages other than English? Just use Chrome's website translation feature to translate the dashboard into your own language.

:busts_in_silhouette: Additional Account Management Options

For our large organizational users, we've added SAML support to Text Blaze. SAML allows organizations to manage user accounts for Text Blaze centrally using SSO.

SAML support is available as part of our Enterprise plan. Contact us if you are interested in using SAML login with Text Blaze in your organization.

You can also learn more about other features such as enhanced collaboration that are available for organizations available in our Business and Enterprise plans.

Quick Tip of the Month

Did you know that you can customize your greeting based on the time of day. Check out the video below to find out how (snippet included):

As always...

If you have any questions, feel free to post to our Question and Answer community forums. And if you have anything you would love to see in Text Blaze, please suggest it in the Features Ideas section.

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