Menu pick multiple option

When picking from a pick list the pick list goes away after you select one item.
You then have to click the menu again to select multiple options
How can you just select multiple from the start?

Hi @Geoff_Kraabel

Are you referring to the {formmenu} menu command?

{formmenu: Choice A; default=Choice B; Choice C; multiple=yes}

It's already letting you to pick multiple options before it gets closed. Can you please share with me the part of the snippet you're having an issue with?

Treatments: {note}{formmenu: None; Toe Nails; Anal Glands; Sanitary Shave; Bandage; Microchip; name=Technician Treatments'; cols=20; multiple=yes}{endnote: trim=no}{if: includes(Technician Treatments', "Anal Glands")}
Anal glands expressed: {formtext: name=Anal Gland Material; default=normal material, easily expressed; cols=30}{endif}{if: includes(Technician Treatments', "Toe Nails")}
Toe nails trimmed{endif}{if: includes(Technician Treatments', "Sanitary Shave")}
Sanitary shave performed{endif}{if: includes(Technician Treatments', "Bandage")}
Bandage applied{endif}{if: includes(Technician Treatments', "Microchip")}
Microchip placed in scruff: please follow instructions provided and complete registration online{endif}

I tried to take screen shots to show whats happening.
The menu starts out blank
Then you select an option
It picks that option and closes the menu and inputs your selection
But it only let you pick the one option
Then you can click back to the menu and select multiple and it works the second time

@Geoff_Kraabel Can we jump into a quick call? I need to check on your side, I'll send you a private message if you're fine to meet.

Sounds great! Email link?

Hello Abdalla, just following up if any one has been able to solve this issue?

Hi @Geoff_Kraabel,

The issue with the form menu should be fixed now. Could you please test it out and let me know if you're still experiencing any problems with selecting multiple options? I want to make sure everything is working smoothly for you.
