Ml to Grams Calculator

Hey Text Blaze Community :fire:

Ever need to do quick calculations for various measurements? In medicine, chemistry, and of course, cooking, you sometimes need to convert milliliters to grams, which can be a little difficult.

To convert ml to grams, you need to know the density of the substance you are converting. Instead of doing it by hand, just use Text Blaze's ml to grams calculator :slight_smile:

All you have to do is select the ingredient, enter the amount of milliliters, and it will be automatically converted to grams. Here's the calculator:

{note}{formmenu: default=Water; values={=keys(density)}; name=Ingredient}{endnote}
ml: {formtext: name=milliliters} = {=milliliters*density[ingredient]}{density=["Water":1, "Flour":0.529,"Sugar":0.8453506, "Salt":1.28, "Milk":1.03, "Honey":1.38,"Butter":0.911, "Cooking oil":0.88, "Olive oil":0.918, "Powdered sugar":0.809, "Vegetable oil":0.922, "Peanuts":0.53]}

Let us know if there are any other calculators you want us to create and we'll be happy to build them for you!

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