Multiple items for iff statement

{if: includes(vaccines given, "Rabies")}
{import: @vxreaction}{elseif: includes(vaccines given, "FVRCP")}
{import: @vxreaction}{elseif: includes(vaccines given, "FeLV")}
{import: @vxreaction}{endif: trim=yes}

Hello, how do I combine this to be more simple?

Trigger if statement if Rabies or FeLV or FVRCP

Hi Geoff,

You are looking for the or operator.

For example:

{if: includes(vaccines_given, "Rabies") or includes(vaccines_given, "FVRCP") or includes(vaccines_given, "FeLV")}...

Thank you! This works well. For a few other functions it seems like you can use brackets ["", ""].
Is there a reason you cant do this with the pick multiple option?

Hi Geoff, I am not sure I understand your question. Can you explain more?

includes ([ "Dental + Mass Removal", "Mass Removal", "Neuter", "Spay", "Wound Repair", "Abdominal Explore", "GI FB", "Splenectomy", "Cystotomy", "Mammary Mass Removal", "Anal Saculectomy", "Hind Limb Amputation", "Tail Amputation", "Ear Hematoma"], procedure) {endif}

This is for a pick list that is not a multiple options
But when I do this for the multiple pick menus it doesnt seem to work

Hi Geoff,

I am still not surely I understand the question, but let me provide a bit of background.

When you do [...] in Text Blaze you are create a list. Lists (sometimes called "arrays" or "vectors" in other languages) are a collection of multiple elements. For example [1,2,3] is a collection of three numbers and ["A", "B", "C", "D"] is a collection four letters.

You can learn more here:

Some functions are designed to work with lists (like includes()) while others are designed to work with text or other types (like contains()). You need to know what type of data you are dealing with when selecting what functions to use.

formmenu's in Text Blaze return a list of selected values when the multiple setting is on. But if the multiple setting is off, they will return a single text value.