Need help with dates and table

I am trying to put together a snippet for my course schedule for future semesters. I need a due date for each row.

Here's the big picture- in the attachment- I would like the meeting times to be automatic. (First column in the attachment)

Basically, I make a table for my course schedule for students for my syllabus. We meet twice a week- Mondays and Wednesdays. Each row is one day of class.

The first day of class obviously changes each semester, so that needs to be accounted for.

I have no idea where to start here.

Help! Thanks so much in advance!

Screenshot 2024-01-03 154553

Something like this might work to get the list of dates.

How many weeks of classes: {formtext: name=weeks; default=12}
Start Date: {formdate: YYYY-MM-DD; name=start; default=2024-01-08}
{endnote}{repeat: for week in seq(0, weeks-1)}
• {time: ddd, YYYY-MM-DD; at={=start}; shift=+{=week}W >MON} ...
• {time: ddd, YYYY-MM-DD; at={=start}; shift=+{=week}W >WED} ...
{endrepeat: trim=yes}

I would suggest copying it into a spreadsheet application (like Data Blaze!) And adding the additional information and holiday exclusions and the like.