Note color customization

Oh yes, def wishing there were ways to modify the UI to other colors for the field, removing the wavy lines from notes and maybe replacing them with a box the whole note would be in would be great!


Stopping by to keep this Feature Idea alive. I truly believe a solution for this will be one of the more significant enhancements that could be made. It would really clean things up for the end-users of snippets; they matter most! Here's another snippet I manage that is full of the squiggly lines:

{note: preview=no; trim=yes; insert=no}Variables:
{day={time: dddd; at={=date}}}
{if: day<>"Friday" AND day<>"Saturday"}{availablehours=["9:00am-9:30am",
{if: day="Friday"}{availablehours=["9:00am-9:30am",
{if: day="Saturday"}{availablehours=["10:00am-10:30am",
{if: day="Sunday"}{availablehours=["Not Available"]}{endif}
{if: not includes(availablehours, time)}{time=availablehours[1]}{endif}
Program Enrollment Summary: {programsummary=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]\nProgram Enrollment Summary\n(.+)")}{=programsummary}
Program Plan Degree Level: {degreelevel=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]
\nProgram Plan Degree Level\n(.+)")}{=degreelevel}
Campus EG Pod: {import: |campusegpodfilter}{=egpod}
Assignee: {=assignee}
{if: military=Yes}{assignee="Lauren Boye"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Audio"}{assignee="Jason Allen"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Digital Arts" OR {=egpod}="Gaming"}{assignee="Lauren Boye"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Business" OR {=egpod}="Film"}{assignee="Jonathan Gomez"}{endif}
{if: contains(degreelevel,"Master")}{assignee="Jonathan Gomez"}{endif}
{endnote: trim=yes}
{note: insert=no; preview=yes; trim=left}
Create an Opportunity Task for an EG Callback Request.

Let's start with who we're calling and why.

What is the name(s) of the person(s) to be called?: {formtext: name=name; cols=30} {if: name=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}

What is their relationship to this student?: {formmenu: default=Make a selection; Self; Parent/Guardian; Significant Other; name=relationship; cols=20} {if: relationship="Make a selection"}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}

What phone number are they to be called at?: {formtext: name=phonenumber; default=; cols=15} {if: phonenumber=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}

Explain the reason(s) for the call back:
{formparagraph: name=reason; cols=30; rows=2} {if: reason=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}

Now let's figure out when to call.

Select a Callback Date (default is tomorrow):
{formdate: MM/DD/YYYY; name=date; default={time: MM/DD/YYYY; shift=+1D}; start={time: MM/DD/YYYY; shift=+1D}}{if: day="Sunday"}
{error: Callback Appointments Not Available On Sundays!; block=yes}{endif} For same day call backs, email Pod Leader the request.

Select a window of time:
{formmenu: name=time; values={=availablehours}; cols=20}

A couple quick things and we're set!

Is this a Military student?: {formmenu: default=Make a selection; No; Yes; name=military} {if: military="Make a selection"}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}

{formtoggle: name=Call Scheduled; default=no}{if: resultselection ="Interview Scheduled"}{Interview Scheduled=no}{endif: trim=yes}{resultselection="Call Scheduled"}{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Interview Scheduled; default=no}{if: resultselection="Call Scheduled"}{Call Scheduled=no}{endif}{resultselection="Interview Scheduled"}{endformtoggle}
{if: resultselection=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}{if: {=resultselection}<>""}
Alrighty! The callback is scheduled for:
{=day}, {=date} from {=time}

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