Oh yes, def wishing there were ways to modify the UI to other colors for the field, removing the wavy lines from notes and maybe replacing them with a box the whole note would be in would be great!
Stopping by to keep this Feature Idea alive. I truly believe a solution for this will be one of the more significant enhancements that could be made. It would really clean things up for the end-users of snippets; they matter most! Here's another snippet I manage that is full of the squiggly lines:
{note: preview=no; trim=yes; insert=no}Variables:
{day={time: dddd; at={=date}}}
{if: day<>"Friday" AND day<>"Saturday"}{availablehours=["9:00am-9:30am",
{if: day="Friday"}{availablehours=["9:00am-9:30am",
{if: day="Saturday"}{availablehours=["10:00am-10:30am",
{if: day="Sunday"}{availablehours=["Not Available"]}{endif}
{if: not includes(availablehours, time)}{time=availablehours[1]}{endif}
Program Enrollment Summary: {programsummary=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]\nProgram Enrollment Summary\n(.+)")}{=programsummary}
Program Plan Degree Level: {degreelevel=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]\nProgram Plan Degree Level\n(.+)")}{=degreelevel}
Campus EG Pod: {import: |campusegpodfilter}{=egpod}
Assignee: {=assignee}
{if: military=Yes}{assignee="Lauren Boye"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Audio"}{assignee="Jason Allen"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Digital Arts" OR {=egpod}="Gaming"}{assignee="Lauren Boye"}{endif}
{if: {=egpod}="Business" OR {=egpod}="Film"}{assignee="Jonathan Gomez"}{endif}
{if: contains(degreelevel,"Master")}{assignee="Jonathan Gomez"}{endif}
{endnote: trim=yes}
{note: insert=no; preview=yes; trim=left}
Create an Opportunity Task for an EG Callback Request.
Let's start with who we're calling and why.
What is the name(s) of the person(s) to be called?: {formtext: name=name; cols=30} {if: name=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}
What is their relationship to this student?: {formmenu: default=Make a selection; Self; Parent/Guardian; Significant Other; name=relationship; cols=20} {if: relationship="Make a selection"}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}
What phone number are they to be called at?: {formtext: name=phonenumber; default=; cols=15} {if: phonenumber=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}
Explain the reason(s) for the call back:
{formparagraph: name=reason; cols=30; rows=2} {if: reason=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}
Now let's figure out when to call.
Select a Callback Date (default is tomorrow):
{formdate: MM/DD/YYYY; name=date; default={time: MM/DD/YYYY; shift=+1D}; start={time: MM/DD/YYYY; shift=+1D}}{if: day="Sunday"}
{error: Callback Appointments Not Available On Sundays!; block=yes}{endif} For same day call backs, email Pod Leader the request.
Select a window of time:
{formmenu: name=time; values={=availablehours}; cols=20}
A couple quick things and we're set!
Is this a Military student?: {formmenu: default=Make a selection; No; Yes; name=military} {if: military="Make a selection"}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}
{formtoggle: name=Call Scheduled; default=no}{if: resultselection ="Interview Scheduled"}{Interview Scheduled
=no}{endif: trim=yes}{resultselection="Call Scheduled"}{endformtoggle}
{formtoggle: name=Interview Scheduled; default=no}{if: resultselection="Call Scheduled"}{Call Scheduled
=no}{endif}{resultselection="Interview Scheduled"}{endformtoggle}
{if: resultselection=""}{error: Required!; block=yes; show=validate}{endif}{if: {=resultselection}<>""}
Alrighty! The callback is scheduled for:
{=day}, {=date} from {=time}
Here is a post in another thread that supports the need for the gray squiggly line to be able to be toggled on/off: Text Blaze Feature of the Week #3: The Note Command - #3 by Naritatsu_Saito
Posting another example of why I feel so convicted about the need to be able to control note command formatting. In this example, I have designed a snippet that my agents use when communicating with students via SMS. This snippet pulls in a variety of 70+ rows from Data Blaze based on several conditions. It has to live in a Note command so the table does not get inserted when the snippet runs. The result is both the gray squiggly line, and every table item being highlighted yellow. Frankly - it makes it messy and difficult to read through. There's gotta be a solution for this.
Thank you TB Team for hearing us and considering the community feedback. That's why I love this product and the team so much! -Brad
@Brad_Hedinger I agree with Brad. I am a Japanese internist, I use Text Blaze to create treatment plans for my patients, i.e., I print snippets and give them to the patient to sign, in this case the gray underlines are distracting and messy.
I always appreciate the quick response of this TB team.
Checking in on this Feature Request since its about 2.5 years old but continues to be commented on in support. @Gaurang_Tandon @Dan_Barak1 @Scott_Fortmann-Roe Does this have any real legs? I know I speak for many as to how much if a game changer this would be! Thank you!