When someone with edit permissions makes a change to a snippet, I want the ability to have a notification sent to me, so that as an Admin, I can follow up on the edit to ensure proper execution and compliance.
I understand we can see the blue dot next to a snippet after an edit is made. However, this only helps if I happen to be looking in that snippet folder. Otherwise, I would have no idea. I also know there is the Change Log that I can report on. However, it is cumbersome to have to do this. It would be much more beneficial to receive an email for example that contains relevant info. Something like this:
Hello [Name],
[Snippet Label] has been edited by [Editor Name] on [Date & Time]. See below for a summary of edits made.
*Maybe here is where a list of types of edits made would be.
- "Added / Deleted the following text/characters. etc.: "
- "Changed the formatting of the following content: "
- "Modified link to DB table abcxyz: "
[Link to the snippet here]
Thank you!
-Text Blaze Team
Thank you for considering this idea!