Obtaining day name from full date

Hi, having for example 24/06/2020 (Day/month/year), how can I get the name of the day "Wednesday".
Thank you!

Hi Martin, you would use something like:

{time: dddd; at=24/06/2020; pattern=DD/MM/YYYY}


Let's take it a step further:

Day: {formtext: name=day; default={time:DD}}
Month: {formtext: name=month; default={time:MM}}
Year: {formtext: name=year; default={time:YYYY}}

{=catch({time: MMMM Do, YYYY; at={=day}/{=month}/{=year}; pattern=D/M/YYYY}, "«undefined date»")} falls on a {=catch({time: dddd; at={=day}/{=month}/{=year}; pattern=D/M/YYYY}, "«undefined date»")}

Now you can enter any date you want and you'll get the corresponding day. Note that the snippet won't check for the maximum number of calendar days in a month, or the maximum number of months in a year, so please be careful with that :slight_smile: