Overwriting updates

I have a couple of suggestions for usability improvements :slight_smile:

  1. Automatically adjusted overwritten shortcuts for imported snippets

  2. Automatically adjusted overwritten form settings (may use the wrong terminology here).

Allow me to explain.

1: Automatically adjusted overwritten shortcuts for imported snippets
If you alter the original shortcut of an imported snippet, all snippets using the shortcut will break.

Having a feature that automatically updates any overwritten shortcuts would be a significant enhancement. This can prevent issues like broken shortcuts and streamline the process of creating and editing snippets.

For Instance:
I had a shortcut "/name" to fetch a customer's name from a website, using the "insert website information" option.

Later, I changed this shortcut to "-n" for efficiency. However, all snippets importing the original shortcut are now broken. Ideally, such changes would be automatically recognized and updated across all relevant snippets.

2. Automatically adjusted overwritten form settings (may use the wrong terminology here)
As we continuously update and refine our snippets, it becomes important to maintain consistency and good labels in the naming of form fields.

Consider a snippet using multiple conditions like:

{if: Situation=="example1"}Text{elseif: Situation=="example2"}{if: Stage=="Stage1"}{elseif: Stage=="Stage 2"}{elseif: Stage=="Stage3"{if: Purchased=="Yes"}, etc, etc, etc. As we know, these commands quickly stack up!

If I decide to modify the name "Situation" or even one of the conditions like "example1", it would be incredibly beneficial for these changes to reflect throughout the entire snippet, for all instances of that specific command.

I hope something like this could be implemented in the future. It would save a ton of time, potental hassle and it would also prevent commands and snippets from breaking :slight_smile:

Hey Robert, thanks a bunch for your suggestions! :raised_hands:

These would absolutely be nice quality-of-life improvements. In the past we've thought of adding a "Rename variable" feature that would let you rename a form name across a snippet.

We'll see what we can do on these.

That would be amazing @scott . Thank you for reviewing my suggestions :slight_smile: Crossing my fingers for something like this :crossed_fingers: