Apologies if this has been asked before but had a search and couldn't find anything - we use Citrix desktop and when you try to run a snippet in one of the apps, it results in a single € in place of where the snippet should be - is there a way to change the default insertion behavior to the apps 'Alt+L' for pasting into it, if that makes sense?
Hi @anon77854259 Welcome to the forum! 
Is Alt+L the key for pasting content into Citrix Desktop? If so, you will need to use PowerToys to remap the paste keys inside the Citrix Desktop, such that Ctrl+V remaps to Alt+L. Here's how to do that: PowerToys Keyboard Manager utility for Windows | Microsoft Learn
Please let me know if you are able to get it working or if you run into any issues while trying it. You can also email me at gaurang@blaze.today if you prefer that.