Snippets to calculate doses for antibiotics used for treating pneumonia in pediatric patients
(as per Bugs and drugs)
AOM - Amoxicillin
Weight: {formtext: name=weight} kg
Dose: {formmenu: standard; high; name=dosing}
-- High dose: daycare, under or unimmunized, <2 years old, or antibiotic within 3 months
-- Total Daily Dose: {=dose} mg
-- Per Dose: {=dose / doses_per_day; format=,.0f} mg
Duration: {formmenu: 5 days; 10 days; name=duration}
-- 5 days: uncomplicated/healthy ≥2 years old
-- 10 days: <2 years old, perforated TM, treatment failure, recurrent AOM
Ref: Bugs and Drugs
{note: trim=yes; preview=no}
{if: dosing="standard"}{conc=40}{doses_per_day=3}{elseif: dosing="high"}{conc=90}{doses_per_day=2}{endif}
{daily_dose=weight * conc}
{if: daily_dose > 4000}{dose=4000}{else}{dose=daily_dose}{endif}
Amoxicillin {=conc} mg/kg/day PO div {if: doses_per_day=2}BID{elseif: doses_per_day=3}TID{endif} x {=duration} (maximum 4 g/day)
Weight: {=weight} kg
Rx: Amoxicillin {=dose / doses_per_day; format=,.0f} mg PO {if: doses_per_day=2}BID{elseif: doses_per_day=3}TID{endif} x {=duration}
{note: trim=yes}
AOM - Clavulin
Weight: {formtext: name=weight} kg
-- Note: use if purulent conjunctivitis along with AOM
Duration: {formmenu: default=5 days; 10 days; name=duration}
-- 5 days: uncomplicated/healthy ≥2 years old
-- 10 days: <2 years old, perforated TM, treatment failure, recurrent AOM
Ref: Bugs and Drugs
{note: trim=yes; preview=no}
{weight_dose=weight * 45}
{if: weight_dose > 1750}{daily_dose=1750}{else}{daily_dose=weight_dose}{endif}
{dose=daily_dose / 2}
Amoxicillin-clavulanate (7:1) 45mg/kg/d PO div BID x {=duration} (maximum 1,750 mg/day)
Weight: {=weight} kg
Rx: Amoxicillin-clavulanate {=dose; format=,.0f} mg PO BID x {=duration}
{note: trim=yes}
AOM - Cefuroxime
Weight: {formtext: name=weight} kg
Duration: {formmenu: default=5 days; 10 days; name=duration}
-- 5 days: uncomplicated/healthy ≥2 years old
-- 10 days: <2 years old, perforated TM, treatment failure, recurrent AOM
Ref: Bugs and Drugs
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{weight_dose=(weight * 30) / 2}
{if: weight_dose > 500}{dose=500}{else}{dose=weight_dose}{endif}
Cefuroxime axetil 30mg/kg/d PO div BID x {=duration} (maximum 500 mg/dose)
Weight: {=weight} kg
Rx: Cefuroxime axetil {=dose; format=,.0f} mg PO BID x {=duration}
{note: trim=yes}
AOM - Doxycycline
Weight: {formtext: name=weight} kg
Duration: {formmenu: default=5 days; 10 days; name=duration}
-- 5 days: uncomplicated/healthy ≥2 years old
-- 10 days: <2 years old, perforated TM, treatment failure, recurrent AOM
Note: Only use in patients ≥8 years old
Ref: Bugs and Drugs
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{weight_dose=(weight * 4) / 2}
{if: weight_dose > 100}{dose=100}{else}{dose=weight_dose}{endif}
Doxycycline 4mg/kg/d PO div BID x {=duration} (maximum 100 mg/dose)
Weight: {=weight} kg
Rx: Doxycycline {=dose; format=,.0f} mg PO BID x {=duration}
{note: trim=yes}
Weight: {formtext: name=weight} kg
Dose: {formmenu: 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; name=conc} mg TMP /kg/d
Duration: {formmenu: default=5 days; 10 days; name=duration}
-- 5 days: uncomplicated/healthy ≥2 years old
-- 10 days: <2 years old, perforated TM, treatment failure, recurrent AOM
Ref: Bugs and Drugs
{note: trim=yes; preview=no}
{weight_dose=(weight * conc) / 2}
{if: weight_dose > 160}{dose=160}{else}{dose=weight_dose}{endif}
TMP/SMX 8-12 mg TMP /kg/d PO div BID x {=duration} (maximum 160 mg TMP/dose)
Weight: {=weight} kg
Rx: TMP/SMX {=dose; format=,.0f} mg TMP /kg/d PO BID x {=duration}