Pick list item does not =

When you write an iff statement off a list you can do if: x <> y then out put z.
How do you do this if the pick list is a pick multiple items?

The syntax <> does not work the same when using it for a pick multiple list.

{=includes(`Medications'` <> "Zenequin")"

Hi Geoff,

It sounds like you want something like this:

Selection: {formmenu: Red; Green; Blue; multiple=yes; name=colors}

"Red" is selected: {=includes(colors, "Red")}
"Red" is not selected: {=not includes(colors, "Red")}

Does that help?

Hey Scott, I think I am not using it correctly. Here is the snip it I am trying to make work.

{note}{formtoggle: name=Medications; default=yes}{formmenu: None; Miralax; Lactulose; Cisapride; Cerenia; Mirataz; Metronidazole; Fortiflora; Gabapentin Liquid; Gabapentin Cap; Prednisolone Tabs; Prednisolone Liquid; name=Medications'; cols=20; multiple=yes}{endformtoggle}{endnote: trim=yes}{if: medications = "Yes"}{note: preview=no; insert=yes}Medications:{endnote}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "None")}
None{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Miralax")}
{import: #miralax}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Lactulose")}
{import: @lactulose}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Cisapride")}
{import: @cisapride}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Cerenia")}
{import: @maropitant}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Mirataz")}
{import: @mirataz}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Fortiflora")}
{import: @catfortiflora}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Metronidazole")}
{import: @lmetronidazole}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Gabapentin Liquid")}
{import: @lgabapentin}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Gabapentin Cap")}
{import: @gabapentin}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Prednisolone Tab")}
{import: @prednisolone}{endif}{if: includes(Medications', "Prednisolone Liquid")}
{import: @lprednisolone}{endif}{if: not includes(Medications', "None")}
If vomiting, diarrhea, or decreased appetite occurs please STOP medication and call for advice. {endif}

I am trying to get the last line "If vomiting, diarrhea, or decreased appetite occurs please STOP medication and call for advice." to pop up if I select any medication that is not "None"

So that is a little trickier, but I've implemented an example of how to do it with our colors case here:

Selection: {formmenu: None; Red; Green; Blue; multiple=yes; name=colors}

"Red" is selected: {=includes(colors, "Red")}
"Red" is not selected: {=not includes(colors, "Red")}

{if: count(colors) > 1 or (count(colors) = 1 and not includes(Colors, "None"))}
You selected a color that wasn't "None"!

Thank you for this! Solves the problem!