Please help me simplify my life!

I know there's a better way to do this. It's going to use the if function, the repeat function, and an array of the list. I just don't know how to pull it off and my brain is tired. Any of you nerds with your extra brain cells want to help someone on his last brain cell? Thank you!

{formmenu: DemandTools; default=DemandTools V; GridBuddy; GridBuddy Connect; BriteVerify; name=app}

{if: {=app}="DemandTools"}{=split(app, ",")}{elseif: {=app}="DemandTools V"}{=split(app, ",")}{elseif: {=app}="GridBuddy"}{=split(app, ",")}{elseif: {=app}="GridBuddy Connect"}{=split(app, ",")}{elseif: {=app}="BriteVerify"}{=split(app, ",")}{endif}

Hi @crsauer91 ,
Can you please explain what you are trying to solve or get the output here.

Hey! Thanks for following up.

If the choice of the menu is DemandTools, then the output I want on the next line is DemandTools.
If the choice of the menu is DemandTools V, then the output I want on the next line is DemandTools V.
If the choice of the menu is GridBuddy, then the output I want on the next line is GridBuddy.
And so on.

Eventually I am going to go deeper with another list inside DemandTools for each module of the program to further customize my troubleshooting and have escalation templates made for me based off of these values, so having a quick way to output each value of the dropdown based off its label in my initial menu is really what I am trying to do.

That making sense?

Sorry to ask again. In case you want to output the value of the dropdown, you can just use {=app}.

{formmenu: DemandTools; default=DemandTools V; GridBuddy; GridBuddy Connect; BriteVerify; name=app}
Selected: {=app}

May be you know this already.

Would you want to import other snippet based on the selection?


You're 100% right, I was way overthinking that.

However, yes, based on the value of this output, I'm creating another dropdown with the modules of each of these products using IF functionality.

My plan from here, If DemandTools V, I populate 10 or so choices, which then populate 10 or so choices. Most of this is ideally going to be done with dropdowns.

The master plan - Create a little applet inside of TextBlaze that will 1) give me any considerations I need when working with these products as a note 2) This applet will provide a template that I can use for both internal notes and to build responses to customers 3) fill out the left hand side fields of Zendesk based on the issue being experienced.

Thanks for your reply!

Hey @crsauer91 - Data Blaze can be a great fit for this use case. Have you considered it? Let me know if you need help.

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