Psychiatry f/u's

anyone use decent smart text / stencils for their outpatient f/u HPIs? I see some of the psychiatrists in my practice carry over 90% of their HPI, basically just changing the adjectives and adding a small update.

Depression wise, I have a SIGECAPS with a dropdown / text field next to each letter. has been easy and effective timewise, but for the other diagnoses a little less efficient.

You can create custom HPIs pretty easily. It depends on what you want to include and how specific you want it to be. I use a generic one like this sometimes:

The {=lower(complaint)} has been going on for {formmenu: a few\ ; several\ ; many\ ; default=; one\ ; two\ ; trim=no; name=duration1}{if: duration1=="one "}{formmenu: hour\ ; default=day\ ; week\ ; month\ ; year\ ; name=duration2}{else}{formmenu: hours\ ; default=days\ ; weeks\ ; months\ ; years\ ; name=duration3}{endif}{formmenu: and is described as mild.\ ; and is described as moderate.\ ; and is described as severe.\ ; default=.\ ; and is described as controlled.\ ; and is described as uncontrolled.\ ; name=Severity}{formmenu: Symptoms are constant.\ ; Symptoms are intermittent.\ ; default=; name=Timing}{formmenu: The symptoms improve with\ ; The symptoms do not improve with\ ; default=; name=Improve}{if: improve=="The symptoms improve with " OR improve=="The symptoms do not improve with "}{formtext: name=improve_sp}{endif}{if: improve==""}{else}. {endif}{formmenu: The symptoms are worsened with\ ; The symptoms are not worsened with\ ; default=; name=worsen}{if: worsen=="The symptoms are worsened with " OR worsen=="The symptoms are not worsened with "}{formtext: name=worsen_sp}{endif}{if: worsen==""}{else}. {endif}{formmenu: The issue is primarily located at the\ ; default=; name=pre_location}{if: pre_location==""}{else}{formtext: name=location}{endif}{if: pre_location==""}{else}. {endif}{formmenu: The patient also describes the following associated symptoms:\ ; default=The patient denies any associated symptoms.; ; name=Assoc_pre}{if: assoc_pre=="The patient also describes the following associated symptoms: "}{formtext: name=Assoc}{endif}{if: assoc_pre==""}{else}. {endif}{endif}

Can't get the snippet to work in this reply and it requires TextBlazePro.

You can also add some randomness with the random-number function so that it doesn't look the same each time.