Question with Texts

Is there a way for me to automatically put a contacts name in the text? I use a SMS program on my laptop to send out texts. So I wanted to know if it were possible for me to put a code in and when I insert the text the name be included. Thanks

It sounds like the {formtext} command is what you want.

Here's an example:

First Name: {formtext: name=firstname; default=John} (required)
Last Name: {formtext: name=lastname; default=Smith} (required)

You can learn more on the docs page:

Okay yeah that'll definitely help, is there a way for it to automatically find the name that I am sending the message to, and fill it in like that?

You can copy have your people copy name from the page before triggering the snippet. Then use the {clipboard} command to insert it.

We're also working on extending the {site} command to extract the contents from the page, which may also meet your use case. That will launch within a few weeks. An outline of the planned changes are here:

Note that the changes to the {site} command allowing you to extract information from the page have now launched. You can see examples here: