Randomizer not working on shared snippets

Good morning,
I have created a randomizer snippet in a folder which is shared with my whole organization.

When I use it on my account, it works perfect. When any person in the organization uses it, it pulls out the code instead of the random text.Screenshot 2022-08-24 112800

Do any of you know what is causing this behaviour?

Hi @Martina_Toso1 - welcome to the forum.

Is it possible that the emojis you're using are from a specific pack that is only available to you?

No, this is not possible as I use them from Emojipedia, and as you can see, when my team use the command it publish the emojis, but instead publishing a single one, it just write the code for the random command in clear. :frowning_face:

@Martina_Toso1 - AH, now I understand :slight_smile:

They need to install the randomizer command pack from their dashboard. Otherwise, Text Blaze won't recognize the command.

Such an easy solution! Thanks

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