Search and retrieve information in another WEB page

Hey :slight_smile:

Hope that you are doing well. Where I job, sometimes we need to tell the customer what is the bank account associated with the transaction.

We only have the first digits of the routing number, for example 231372691 (this is an incomplete number is not a PII). I usually search the bank name in this webpage.

Is there a way to retrieve the banks name using one snippet?

Thank you so much for any insight on this

Something like this might work:

{formtext: name=routing prefix; default=221272361}
{urlload:{=`routing prefix`}.html; done= res -> ["bank"=extractregex(res, ",(.*?)</title>")]}
Bank name: {=bank}

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Awesome, thank you so much :3

In the examples I always see the urlload snippet with the extractregex, there is a way to use CSS selectors instead of Regular Expressions?

For example, I am trying to replicate the snippet you suggested but now with the bin of debit card to know the issuer bank and the payment system from this web "" but I have not been able to do it :frowning:

Thank you again for any insight.

Hi Diego,

The urlload command returns a string of HTML so you need to use the string processing functions like extractregex. You can use CSS selectors as part of your regular expression, but you can't use something like the {site} command with a CSS selector.

When developing regular expressions, I highly recommend using a site like which allows you to test them out quickly and interactively.

Thank you very much for that tool to check the regular expressions. I just wanted to share the finished snippet, maybe someone would need the same.

{formtext: name=Bin; default=419002}

{urlload:{=Bin}.html; done= res -> ["issuer"=extractregex(res, "</i> Payment System</th>

<i class=\".*\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i> (\w*)</td></tr>"), "bank" = extractregex(res, "</i> Bank Issuer</th> (.*)</b></td>"), "type" = extractregex(res, "</i> Card Type</th> (\w*)</td></tr>")]}

Issuer: {=issuer}
Bank: {=bank}
Type: {=type}

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Good stuff @Diego_Suancha

In case you weren't aware, Text Blaze has even more functionalities with regex. There's also testregex, splitregex and replaceregex.

You can read more about them here:

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