Sending Multiple Selected Options within Dropdown to Datablaze

Hi TB Community,

With the snippet below- is there a way to "format" the results that are sent to a Datablaze table?

Currently - this is how two selection results are sent:

Would there be a way to get rid of the brackets + parentheses + comma and add "and/or" in between the two selections?

Property Strategy: {formmenu: default=; Section 8; Turnkey; Flip/BRRRR; Fixer Upper; name=propertystrategy; multiple=yes}


The easiest way to do that is to create a second variable which is formatted and save that one instead of the original. For you case you would use the join function to convert the list into a nicely formatted string.

Here's an example:

Property Strategy: {formmenu: default=; Section 8; Turnkey; Flip/BRRRR; Fixer Upper; name=propertystrategy; multiple=yes}

{formattedpropertystrategy=join(propertystrategy, "BLAZE_AND")}
Formatted Property Strategy: {=formattedpropertystrategy}
You would save this second variable to Data Blaze instead of the original.

Alternatively, may want to use a Multiple Select field type in Data Blaze for this type of Data. That would display your data as separate chips in Data Blaze:


If you used that field type, you wouldn't change how you were saving the values as the Multiple Select field type needs values in the original format.

Hope this helps!

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