September Development Update

We wanted to highlight a few updates from Text Blaze development in September:

💁 Assistant Improvements

We've improved the usability of the Text Blaze assistant based on the feedback we've heard from you. There are two big changes in this release:

  • :keyboard: Full Keyboard Support You can now select specific snippets in the assistant and insert them without ever using the mouse. Simply open the assistant from any webpage by pressing Shift-Alt-Space (this default shortcut can be changed to whatever you want), use the up and down arrows to select a snippet, and press Enter to insert it.
  • :mag: Improved Search When you search for a snippet, the search view now takes up the whole width of the assistant and we highlight the portion of the snippet that matches your search. Together these changes greatly improve search when you have many snippets.

:bulb: Smart Command Suggestions

Text Blaze has always provided a quick insert bar at the bottom of the edit window that allows you to easily insert the different types of replacement commands.

We've added new dynamic bar that provides you contextual recommendations based on what you currently have selected in the editor. For instance, if you have selected a {formtext} command, the bar will show you the available attributes you can use to customize this command. If you have selected an equation, the bar will suggest form values to insert into the equation in addition to providing a list of functions you can use.

This feature will make it easier to edit complex snippets and also make advanced Text Blaze functionality more discoverable. We'd love to hear from you about what else you would like to see here.

:page_facing_up: Action Audit Log for Enterprise Users

In large organizations, a group of snippets may be shared with hundreds of users and a dozen different people may have edit access to them.

In September we released a new Enterprise only feature that provides organization owners detailed information on who created, edited, deleted and used which snippets. This allows our enterprise users to determine exactly which of their snippets are the most used in addition to tracking snippet changes.

As Always...

If you have any questions feel free to post to our Question and Answer community forums. If you have anything you would love to see in Text Blaze, please suggest it in the Features Idea section.