IMPORTANT: This snippet requires the free Randomizer command pack to work. Watch this video to find out how to install the Randomizer command pack.
Simple email template with randomized greetings and salutations and customized for time of day and day of week.
{greeting={random-text: Hi, Hello, Good}; trim=left}
{if: greeting=="Good"}Good {if: {time: HH} <12}morning{elseif: {time: HH}>=12 and {time: HH} <18}afternon{else}evening{endif}
{else: trim=yes}{=greeting}{endif},
<email content>
{salutation={random-text: Best, Regards, Enjoy your}; trim=right}
{if: salutation=="Enjoy your"}Enjoy your {if: {time: ddd} == "Mon" or {time: ddd} == "Tue"}week{elseif: {time: ddd} === "Wed" or {time: ddd} == "Thu"}day{else}weekend{endif}
{else: trim=yes}{=salutation}{endif},
<your name>