Hi all - I am currently using Espanso as a text-expander as it works via the 'inject' method - we use applications over Citrix and Espanso has no issues working in this way, the snippets work fine - however the default behaviour 'auto' just outputs a € symbol - this is the same for Textblaze but as far as I'm aware (especially with it not being open source) there is no way to change the method of snippet insertion to 'inject' - just wondered if anybody was aware of anything?
Hi @Anthony_Hill,
We currently doesn't support the 'inject' method for snippet insertion. However, we do offer key command functionality that might help with your use case.
You can use this feature to create snippets with key commands for each character. I am sharing a snippet that demonstrates how to convert a normal snippet into a snippet containing key commands.
Enter your text: {formparagraph: name=inputtext; cols=50; default=some snippet text}
Key Commands: {result=map(lower(split(inputtext, "")), x -> "{key:space}" if x = " " else ("{key: enter}" if x = "\n" else "{key:" & x & "}"))}{=join(result, "")}
Let me know if you have any further questions.