Suppress output from input

Hello everyone
if there a way to suppress output:
I would like not to print this out.
{formtext: name=number; default={clipboard}}

Hi @Dmitrij_Moreinis,

Yes, you can use the {note} command for that.

Here's a very basic example.

{formparagraph: name=number; default=Some text (you can use the \{clipboard\} command too)}


{="Here's the text you entered: "&number}

{note} also takes a number of settings, including trim, preview and insert.

{note}This section will show up in the popup window when inserting the snippet, but the contents inside the note command won't be inserted. Notice the gray wavy underline.
{formparagraph: name=number; default=Some text (you can use the \{clipboard\} command too)}

{endnote: trim=right}

{note: preview=no}
This is some text that will not show up in the popup window when inserting the snippet, and will not be inserted either. This is handy for when you want to leave a note for yourself in the dashboard, but don't need to see it any other time.

{endnote: trim=right}

{="Here's the text you entered: "&number}

{note: preview=no; insert=yes}This text will not show up in the popup window but will be inserted when you insert the snippet. This isn't used often, but might have some applications.{endnote}