Text Blaze destroys the Squarespace 7.0 editing mode


with Text Blaze extension in Chrome activated I cannot edit my Squarespace websites anymore. If I deactivate Text Blaze, everything works fine.

Hi @Robert_Welti Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting the issue.

I just signed up for Squarespace, created a new website, and edited one of its text sections. The editing seems to work fine. Here's a video demo:

The page I'm editing on is https://<my-unique-code>-ghc2.squarespace.com/config/

If you're facing the issue on specific templates or pages, please share them with me so I can take a look. I'm new to Squarespace so I do not know what's the best way to share, but my Squarespace email is gaurang@blaze.today if it helps.

Yes. Editing works generally, but I don't see pictures anymore and the header design is gone as well. I work with Squarespace 7.0 (not 7.1) So I don't know about 7.1.
When I deactivate Text Blaze, everything works fine again.

Thanks for the clarification. I was probably using 7.1 as I just signed up.

I checked online and copied the "IMPACT" 7.0 template from this page: Website Templates - Website Design Templates – Squarespace
Then I was able to edit its Header section just fine. Here's a video demo:

It looks like the issue does not happen on all 7.0 templates. So, please share the 7.0 template in which you're facing issues with me so I can further check it.

My template is called Mojave.

Thanks for the info. I assume you're referring to this one: Website Templates - Website Design Templates – Squarespace

I just copied it and tried it, and once again, editing the text inside the sections works fine for me. The heading styles also look correct to me.

Do you mind sharing a quick video showing the problem? If you have more time, you can also email me at gaurang@blaze.today and we can setup a call to check this.

With extension disabled:


with extension enabled:


Thanks for sharing the video. I now understand the issue. Note that Text Blaze should not interfere with content outside textboxes, especially images, in the manner you're facing. Could you please email me at gaurang@blaze.today so we can check this issue on a Google Meet call?

I do not have time for a call.
I'd appreciate, if you fix the issue.
Please let me know.
Thank you very much.