🏆 The nifty little snippet competition (WIN PRIZES) participate and/or vote!

We're kicking off the "nifty little snippet" competition.

The prize for the first place is a $100 gift card. Runner-ups will bask in eternal glory and (with their permission) their snippets will be added to our snippet library for all of Text Blaze's users to admire.

  • To participate - reply to this thread with your snippet (feel free to reply multiple times). Use the gear icon to add a snippet to your comment Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 5.53.57 PM

  • To upvote snippets - like the comment(s) you think are awesome Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 5.53.44 PM

The competition will go on until 15 Jan 2022, but hurry up, the earlier you submit your snippets the more likely you are to get upvotes.


Awesome greeting
I'll start with a snippet I've seen multiple times. Most recently, when I chatted with @David_Morgan (he wins the prize if this snippet wins).
Use this snippet to always use the correct greeting (good morning, good afternoon, good evening)

Good {if: {time: H} < 12}morning{elseif: {time: H} < 17}afternoon{else}evening{endif}


Select item(s) from a category tree
This snippet allows you to easily maintain a list of categories and items in each category (as nested lists) and then select the category and corresponding item(s) when inserting the snippet.

This snippet was inspired by a user and was a collaboration with @Cedric_Debono_Blaze with whom I'll share the prize if this snippet wins.

{note: preview=no}
{items= [
"technical"=["Software issue", "Mechanical issue"],
"billing"=["Payment failing", "Billing query", "Cancel subscription", "Refund request", "Change credit card on file"],
"faq" = ["Email change", "How to X"]
{endnote: trim=right}
Call Report:

{formmenu: name=query; values={=keys(items)}}

{formmenu: multiple=yes; values={=items[query]}}


Thanks @Dan_Barak1, that's definitely one I use in a lot of my snippets!

This snippet can take a person's Full Name and insert it into a form in various formats suitable for creating a user account. In this example, we make the username from the first initial of the user and their last name. We duplicate it at the end to format their email address. In the midst of this, it separates out the first and last name. You could obviously get fancier and use a dropdown to select another @domain.name or whatever you can think of. I used a lot of "trims" (maybe too many!) because I was having white space issues in fields where data entry had to be perfect.

I used my own name to demonstrate what it should do but in my case, it is a blank text box where I paste the users full name as given to us by HR

{note: preview=yes}{formtext: name=fullname; trim=yes; default=David Morgan}{endnote}
{username=extractregex(fullname, "(.+?)")&extractregex(fullname, ".+? (.+)"); trim=yes}
{key: tab}
(username:){=lower(username); trim=yes}
{key: tab}
(First Name:){first=extractregex(fullname, "(.+?) ")}{=proper(first); trim=yes}
{key: tab}
(Last Name:){last=extractregex(fullname, ".+? (.+)")}{=proper(last); trim=yes}
{key: tab}
(Email:){=lower(username); trim=yes}@company.com


I use text blaze for all kinds of things, but mostly for repeated posts I make on social media. The problem I have is that different social media platforms require different formatting; e.g. some allow rich text, some need wiki formatting, some are only plain-text. I don't want to have to maintain identical text in different snippets tailored to each platform, so I instead format each text for the platform at hand. To that end, I have one snippet that I include at the top of most of my other snippets which determines which format should be used based on the either the domain, or on a select box the user can set:

{note}{if:{site:domain}=="www.reddit.com"}{format="reddit"}{elseif:{site:domain}=="www.facebook.com"}{format="markup"}{elseif:{site:domain}=="discord.com"}{format="markup"}{else}FORMAT:{formmenu: name=format;default=text;reddit;markup}{endif}{if:{site:domain}=="discord.com"}{linkformat="full"}{elseif:format=="markup"}URL:{formmenu: name=linkformat;default=trim;full}{endif}{if:{site:domain}=="www.reddit.com"}{textlength="full"}{elseif:{site:domain}=="www.facebook.com"}{textlength="full"}{elseif:{site:domain}=="discord.com"}{textlength="trim"}{else}TEXT:{formmenu: name=textlength;default=full;trim}{endif}{endnote: trim=yes}

Then I have a separate snippet I include repeatedly as I need to bold or italicize text; this snippet relies on the setting from the /blaze_format snippet:

{bold={=catch(blaze_markup["bold"], "no")}}{uppercase={=catch(blaze_markup["uppercase"], "yes")}}{italic={=catch(blaze_markup["italic"], "no")}}{if: format == "text"}{if: bold=="yes"}{if: italic=="yes"}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{else}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{endif}{elseif: italic}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{else}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{endif}{elseif: format == "reddit"}{if: bold}{if: italic}***{=blaze_markup["text"]}***{else}**{=blaze_markup["text"]}**{endif}{elseif: italic}*{=blaze_markup["text"]}*{else}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{endif}{elseif: format == "markup"}{blaze_text={=blaze_markup["text"]}}{if: uppercase=="yes"}{blaze_text={=upper(blaze_text)}}{endif}{if: bold}{if: italic}{=blaze_text}{else}{=blaze_text}{endif}{elseif: italic and len({=blaze_markup["text"]}) < 50}*{=blaze_markup["text"]}*{else}{=blaze_markup["text"]}{endif}{endif}

(NOTE: it's not shown here, but if you use this then to accommodate rich text output, the first occurrence of "{=blaze_markup["text"]} needs to have Bold and Italic applied to it, the second needs to have Bold, and the third needs to have Italic.)

Finally, to use this in text, it needs to have it's own scope, which can be accomplished with a call to the {repeat} command:

To format text:
{import:/blaze_first_bullet}Bold: {repeat: 1}{blaze_markup=["text"="This is a test", "bold"="yes"]}{import:/blaze_markup}{endrepeat}
{import:/blaze_bullet}Bold + Italic: {repeat: 1}{blaze_markup=["text"="This is a test", "bold"="yes", "italic"="yes"]}{import:/blaze_markup}{endrepeat}
{import:/blaze_bullet}Italic: {repeat: 1}{blaze_markup=["text"="This is a test", "italic"="yes"]}{import:/blaze_markup}{endrepeat}
{import:/blaze_bullet}Plain: {repeat: 1}{blaze_markup=["text"="This is a test", "italic"="no", "bold"="no"]}{import:/blaze_markup}{endrepeat}
{import:/blaze_bullet}Long Italic: {repeat: 1}{blaze_markup=["text"="a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.", "italic"="yes"]}{import:/blaze_markup}{endrepeat}


The majority of my day is spent in Salesforce Lightning. Salesforce tends to be very click-heavy when it comes to performing processes. Therefore, utilizing AutoPilot is what the lion share of our Snippets focus on. The following Snippet is used to to insert and send a specific email template stored in Salesforce, sending the email through the case that the user is on. Accounting for clicks, keystrokes and copy/pasting other assets from a SharePoint page, this Snippet in conjunction with the Salesforce email template being made with merge fields in their proprietary Handlebars Merge Language (HML), takes 77 actions away from the user, from creating the email activity, completely through clicking send on the email. It is not a complicated snippet by any means, but it does exactly what is needs to do to support the end user which in turn best supports our customer (student).

{key:ctrl-alt-g}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:p}{wait: delay=.2s}{key:rightarrow}{wait: delay=.5s}{key:rightarrow}{wait: delay=.5s}{key:rightarrow}{wait: delay=.5s}{repeat: 8}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{endrepeat}{key:ctrl-a}{key:backspace}{repeat: 3}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{endrepeat}{key:enter}{key:downarrow}{key:enter}{wait: delay=.5s}{repeat: 3}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{endrepeat}{click}{wait: delay=.5s}{key:s}{key:a}{key:v}{key:e}{key:d}{wait: delay=.3s}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:enter}{click}{wait}{repeat: 4}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.1s}{endrepeat}{wait: delay=.1s}{click}{wait: delay=3s}{key:ctrl-alt-g}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:s}{repeat: 20}{key:tab}{endrepeat}{key:c}{wait: delay=.3s}{key:c}{key:enter}{repeat: 3}{key:tab}{endrepeat}(DP - Access) 21-Day MIA Review{repeat: 7}{key:tab}{endrepeat}


Here's another Snippet that is largely AutoPilot based. However, in this Snippet, we are utilizing variables and Regex. This Snippet is designed to automatically create a task in a Salesforce case, fill out all required fields, paste template text in the comments, and pull in both the student name and their unique student ID number into appropriate fields. Also not a very fancy Snippet, but it works, and works flawlessly every time.

{note}{ContactName=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]\nContact Name\n(.+)")}
{StudentNumber=extractregex({site: text}, "[\s\S]
\nCV StuNum\n(.+)")}{endnote: trim=right}

TERM OMIOT{key:tab}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:backspace}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:tab}{key:tab}{click}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:enter}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:enter}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:tab}{key:tab}{key:tab}{key:tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{=contactname}{wait: delay=.3s}{wait: delay=.1s}{key:tab}{key:tab}{key:tab}{key:tab}{key:tab}{click}{=contactname} ({=studentnumber}) is taking a One Month IOT effective DATE(day after LDA) and will return DATE(calendar date of term start) due to REASON.
TERM COURSE(S) should receive a grade of W/WP/WF.
MTF: (Salesforce>Program Enrollment>Student Engagement)
If MTF is at 85% or above in Salesforce: STOP! DO NOT CREATE THIS TASK. Transfer student to available SAT Agent or use sat_sl_followup Slack channel and provide a BTC

Assign Last Names (A-H) To: Aristides Kolacsky
Assign Last Names (I-Q) To: Ariel Pesut
Assign Last Names (R-Z) To: Heather McCoog{key:ctrl-a; mac=cmd-a}{key:leftarrow}


I'm writing a lot and have to format all headings correctly, i.e., all words in the header should be capitalized unless they are conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, yet, so, for), articles (a, an, the), or prepositions (in, to, of, at, by, up, for, off, on).
But it's hard to remember it each time, so with the inspiration from @Cedric_Debono_Blaze I come up with this snippet.
All you should do is to copy the string which you want to format as heading and use the snippet then:

{words=split({clipboard}, " ")}{repeat: for word in words}{if: contains("and, or, but, nor, yet, so, for, a, an, the, in, to, of, at, by, up, for, off, on",{=lower(word)})}{=lower(word)}{else}{=proper(word)}{endif} {endrepeat}

Then you get a proper format header out of your clipboard.


10 days left to submit your snippets and vote.
Right now it seems like I will share the reward with @David_Morgan

Hey there everyone, I wanted to share this snippet I use in Salesforce to make introductions in chat interactions.

What I like here is that all the dynamic entries are at the top of the snippet, and at the bottom of the snippet is the final crafted message.

Also there are blockers if some of the conditions are not met, so the message will always have the required information to proceed, the blockers are in the name of the cx (Can not be empty) and in the issue when is required (Also can not be empty.

Hope that this can be helpful for some of you.

{note}Please select

Previous interaction with customer:{formmenu: name=Prev_int; cols=30; yes;default= no}
There is delay in our response (delay = response time >= 30 min)?{formmenu: name=delay; cols=30; yes;default= no}
{No_name=catch({import: *name}, "yes")}{if: Prev_int== "no"}Please insert customer issue:{formtext: name=issue} {if: issue== ""} {error: issue can not be empty; block=yes}{endif}{endif}
{if: No_name}Automatic name not found, please introduce cx name if any: {formtext: name=cxname; default=there}{if: cxname == ""}{error: Cx name can not be empty; block=yes}{endif}{endif}

Your name: {formtext: name=Agent_name; default=Alejo}{if: Agent_name== ""}{error: Agent name can not be empty; block=yes}{endif}

{endnote}{if: Prev_int}{if: delay}Hey {=cxname}, thanks for your patience for our delay in getting back to you.{else}Thanks for getting back to us, {=cxname}.{endif} Please give me a moment while I take a look at your case and explain more about this.{else}Hi {=cxname}, {=Agent_name} here!{if: delay} Thanks for your patience for our delay in getting back to you.{else} Thanks for reaching out.{endif} I understand you are having issues with {=Issue}. Please give me a moment to look into your account and explain more about this.{endif}


I absolutely LOVE this!

1 Like

Totally agreed


Hello Everyone,

I am new to TextBlaze and I am mainly using TB to generate documents easily. We have to prepare documents on every day (we are compliance advisors and lawyer).

We also have different versions of documents / clauses, TB helped me to do that very easily.

This is the snippet I use to prepare board resolution for specific purpose.


Please select suitable option: {formmenu: name=auditoroption; default=Reappointment; in place of retiring Auditor; in casual vacancy}

Appointment Details:
{if: auditoroption == "in casual vacancy"; trim=left}{else}Appointment Term: {formtext: name=years; default=5} year/s {endif}
Starting from: {formtext: name=startyear}
{if: auditoroption == "in casual vacancy"; trim=left}Appointed till AGM to be held in {={=startyear} + 1}{else}Appointed till AGM to be held in {endyear={=startyear} + {=years}}{endif}

{if: auditoroption == "in casual vacancy"; trim=left} Resigning/Retiring Auditor Details:
Name of Resigning/Retiring Auditor:{formtext: name=oldauditorname}
FRN of Resigning/Retiring Auditor: {formtext: name=oldfrn}
{if: auditoroption == "in place of retiring Auditor"; trim=left} Resigning/Retiring Auditor Details:
Name of Resigning/Retiring Auditor:{formtext: name=oldauditorname}
FRN of Resigning/Retiring Auditor: {formtext: name=oldfrn}
{if: auditoroption == "Reappointment"; trim=left}
The Chairman informed that M/s {=auditorname} were appointed as Statutory Auditor of the Company to hold office till the date of AGM to be held in {=startyear}. Accordingly, the term of {=auditorname} as Auditor is about to expire in the ensuring Annual General Meeting. Company has decided to reappoint {=auditorname}.

It was further informed that Company has already received a consent letter from {=auditorname} to be appointed as Statutory Auditor for financial year ending March 31, {=endyear}. After discussion, the Board decided to approve their appointment for a period of {=years} year/s and recommended their appointment to Shareholders for their approval in AGM by passing following resolution.

“RESOLVED THAT subject to approval of Shareholders in Annual General Meeting, {=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants, (Firm Registration Number: {=frn}) be and are hereby appointed as Auditors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of Annual General Meeting to be held in the year {=endyear} on such remuneration as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any one of the Directors be and is hereby authorized to furnish the copy of the resolution as true.”
{if: auditoroption == "in casual vacancy"; trim=left}
The Chairman informed that {=oldauditorname}, current Statutory Auditor of the Company, have submitted their letter of resignation. Accordingly, it is necessary to appoint new Auditor in their place. Company has decided to appoint {=auditorname}.

It was further informed that Company has already received a consent letter from {=auditorname} to be appointed as Statutory Auditor for financial year ending March 31, {={=startyear} + 1}. After discussion, the Board decided to approve their appointment for a period until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and recommended their appointment to Shareholders for their approval in General Meeting by passing following resolution.

“RESOLVED THAT subject to the approval of shareholders in General Meeting, pursuant to the provisions of Section 139(8) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 as amended from time to time or any other law for the time being in force (including any statutory modification or amendment thereto or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force), {=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants, (Firm Registration Number: {=frn}), be and are hereby appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of {=oldauditorname}, Chartered Accountants, (Firm Registration Number: {=oldfrn}).”

“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT {=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants ({=frn}), be and are hereby appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company from the date of approval of shareholders and that they shall hold the office of the Statutory Auditors of the Company until the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and that they shall conduct the Statutory Audit for the period ended March 31, {={=startyear} + 1} at such remuneration plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the Audit as may be mutually agreed upon between the Board of Directors of the Company and the Auditors.

{if: auditoroption == "in place of retiring Auditor"; trim=left}

The Board was informed that {=oldauditorname}, Chartered Accountants, (Firm Registration Number: {=oldfrn}) were appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company who is holding office till the conclusion Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company scheduled in {=startyear} and hence, would retire at the conclusion of this upcoming AGM.

{=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants ({=frn}) is proposed to be appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company, for a period of {=years} Year/s, commencing from the conclusion upcoming AGM till the conclusion of the AGM to be held in the year {=endyear}.{=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants ({=frn}) has consented to the said appointment and confirmed that their appointment, if made, would be within the limits specified under Section 141(3)(g) of the Act. They have further confirmed that they are not disqualified to be appointed as Statutory Auditors in terms of the provisions of the proviso to Section 139(1), Section 141(2) and Section 141(3) of the Act and the provisions of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014.

After discussion, the Board passed following resolution and recommended their appointment to Shareholders for their approval in AGM by passing following resolution:

"RESOLVED THAT subject to the approval of shareholders in General Meeting, pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, {=auditorname}, Chartered Accountants ({=frn}), be and are hereby appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company in the place of {=oldauditorname}, Chartered Accountants ({=oldfrn}), the retiring Statutory Auditors, to hold the office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in the year {=endyear} at such remuneration plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the Audit as may be mutually agreed upon between the Board of Directors of the Company and the Auditors.


Holy wow - That’s what I’m talking about!! Nice job!!

Here’s one I’ve recently started using. This is a big shift for my team because it leverages the forms menu window to essentially pre-fabricate the contents of the Salesforce Case that the snippet creates using AutoPilot. Prior to this enhancement, the snippet would create the case and populate the Case Description with the line items and the user would then have to open the case for editing and manually select Yes/No, dates, program codes, delete unnecessary info, etc. Now it’s all done with a combination of if/else statements and conditions. Check it out!

What Term should the new program start in?: {formtext: name=termcode; default=; cols=10}{if: termcode ==""} {error: Required; block=yes}{endif}
Is a Schedule Adjustment needed?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=scheduleadjustment} {if: scheduleadjustment}COE {=termcode}-Schedule Adjustment{else}COE {=termcode}{endif}
VA Student?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=vastudent}
International Student?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=internationalstudent}
Is this a full program change (If just a 1,2,3 month Schedule Adjustment, message the sat_sl_followup Slack channel with Best # and BTC)?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=programchange}
Requested Program, Platform & Format: {formtext: name=programcode; cols=15} {if: programcode ==""}{error: Required; block=yes}{endif}
Is new program outside of old program's halo (Ex. RABS to Film)?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=programhalo}
Program Change Reason: {formparagraph: name=reason; rows=2; cols=50} {if: reason ==""}{error: Required; block=yes}{endif}
Is student being assessed for MCC-O?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; Unsure; name=mccassessment}
First COE?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=firstcoe}
Next Semester Start Date?: {=termcode}
Is student changing to Cybersecurity, Digital Cinematography, Information Technology, Mobile Development CAMPUS or Web Development CAMPUS?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=pdapproval} {if: pdapproval}PD Approval is needed. SL to send PD email through this COE case. Email templates located in SF 2.0: When adding the template, search "PD" --> Ensure Templates = "All Templates" and Folder = "All"{endif}
Math Skills Assessment Test Required?: {if: contains(programcode,"COS") or
contains(programcode,"cos") or contains(programcode,"GDV") or contains(programcode,"gdv") or contains(programcode,"MDV") or contains(programcode,"mdv") or contains(programcode,"SIM") or contains(programcode,"sim")} Yes {else} No {endif}
Secured Housing?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=securedhousing} (If Online to Campus, has student spoken to Housing Department?) {formmenu: default=No; Yes; Unknown; name=spokentohousing}
Is student AS to BS?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=astobs} {if: astobs}Student must complete AS and contact Enrollment or COE to another AS.{endif}
Is student 1st month Campus to Campus?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=firstmonthcampustocampus} {if: firstmonthcampustocampus}Transfer to CEG.{endif}
Is student 1st month Campus to Online (Does not include International and VA Students)?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=firstmonthcampustoonline} {if: firstmonthcampustoonline}Transfer to OEG.{endif}
Is student a Master's level student?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=masters} {if: masters}Student must send email to clrodriguez@fullsail.com. Email to include Student Name, Student Number and that they are a Masters Student interested in a COE.{endif}
Transcripts to review for new program?: {formmenu: default=No; Yes; name=transcripts}{if: transcripts}Student must email a copy of transcript to clrodriguez@fullsail.com.{endif}
Best #: {formtext: name=bestnum; cols=20} {if: bestnum ==""}{error: Required; block=yes}{endif}
BTC: {formtext: name=btc; cols=20} {if: btc ==""}{error: Required; block=yes}{endif}

{endnote: trim=no}
{note: insert=yes; preview=yes}{key: backspace}{if: scheduleadjustment}COE {=termcode}-Schedule Adjustment{else}COE {=termcode}{endif}{key: tab}
{key: backspace}​​​​​​​1. VA Student?: {=vastudent}
2. International?: {=internationalstudent}
3. Is this a Full Program Change?: {=programchange}
4. Requested Program, Platform & Format: {=upper(programcode)}
5. Is new program outside of old program's halo (Ex. RABS to Film)?: {=programhalo}
6. Program Change Reason: {=reason}
7. Is student being assessed for MCC-O?: {=mccassessment}
8. First COE?: {=firstcoe}
9. Next Semester Start Date?: {=termcode}
10. Is student changing to Cybersecurity, Digital Cinematography, Information Technology, Mobile Development CAMPUS or Web Development CAMPUS?: {=pdapproval} {if: pdapproval}PD Approval is needed. SL to send PD email through this COE case. Email templates located in SF 2.0: When adding the template, search "PD" --> Ensure Templates = "All Templates" and Folder = "All"{endif}
11. Math Skills Assessment Test Required?: {if: contains(programcode,"COS") or
contains(programcode,"cos") or contains(programcode,"GDV") or contains(programcode,"gdv") or contains(programcode,"MDV") or contains(programcode,"mdv") or contains(programcode,"SIM") or contains(programcode,"sim")} Yes {else} No {endif}
12. Secured Housing?: {=securedhousing} (If Online to Campus, has student spoken to Housing Department?) {=spokentohousing}
13. Is student AS to BS?: {=astobs} {if: astobs}Student must complete AS and contact Enrollment or COE to another AS.{endif}
14. Is student 1st month Campus to Campus?: {=firstmonthcampustocampus} {if: firstmonthcampustocampus}Transfer to CEG.{endif}
15. Is student 1st month Campus to Online?: {=firstmonthcampustoonline} {if: firstmonthcampustoonline}Transfer to OEG.{endif}
16. Is student a Master's level student? {=masters} {if: masters}Student must send email to clrodriguez@fullsail.com. Email to include Student Name, Student Number and that they are a Masters Student interested in a COE.{endif}
17. Transcripts to review for new program?: {=transcripts} {if: transcripts}Student must email a copy of transcript to clrodriguez@fullsail.com.{endif}
Best #: {=bestnum}
BTC: {=btc}{wait: delay=.1s}{key: tab}{wait: delay=.3s}{key: downarrow}{wait: delay=.3s}{key: enter}{key: tab}{key: tab}{click}{key: s}{key: t}{key: u}{key: enter}{wait: delay=.3s}{key: tab}{key: tab}{key: tab}{key: enter}{key: c}{key: h}{key: a}{key: n}{key: g}{key: e}{wait: delay=.3s}{key: enter}{endnote}


I love this!

1 Like

Alright! That's a wrap!
Thanks to everyone who contributed and voted. I learned a few cool new tricks.
The winner is....(drumroll)... ME!!! JK, the snippet I shared was created by @David_Morgan who will receive the prize.

Adieu until the next competition. Keep blazing and sharing your snippets with the community.


Congrats @David_Morgan! Well deserved. You definitely had some tough competition there :slight_smile:

Thank you @Dan_Barak1 and @Cedric_Debono_Blaze and the other MVPs. I really appreciate it. Great snippets were posted.