Tip: Hashtags and Mentions

Some sites support special handling of hashtags (e.g. #important or #support) or mentions (e.g. @john or @sally). When typed into the site's text editor, they may replace these with special markup or automatically notify a relevant person or channel.

Unfortunately, when using these hashtags or mentions in your snippets, some sites might not detect them the same way as if you had typed them out directly.

If this happens on a site, there are few techniques you can try to get the sites editor to detect the hashtag or mention as if you had typed it.

All these examples use the key command to type out individual keys:

  1. Add a {key: tab} or {key: space} after the hashtag or mention:

#TAG{key: space}
#TAG{key: tab}

  1. Type out the first character of the hashtag or mention using {key}

{key: #}TAG

  1. Typing out the whole hashtag or mention using {key}:

{key: #}{key: T}{key: A}{key: G}

For longer hashtags or mentions, you can use the repeat command to automate this:

{repeat: for key in split("#TAG", "")}{key: {=key}}{endrepeat}

  1. Some combination of the above, e.g.:

{key: #}TAG{key: space}