Treatment Plan Snippet Help


I am in need of some assistance and feedback on the best way to set up a snippet for treatment plans for my healthcare practice.


  • I am looking to create a treatment plan snippet.
  • This snippet will be used to complete a Google Form.
  • Each selection will be inserted into different questions on the form.

(I will use a note to display this information)
Using DSM-5/ICD-9-CMIICD-10-CM:
ICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM DSM-5 Disorder, Condition, or Problem 300.02 F41.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 300.09 F41.8 Other Specified Anxiety Disorder 300.00 F41.9 Unspecified Anxiety Disorder 309.24 F43.22 Adjustment Disorder, With Anxiety


  1. Excessive and/or unrealistic worry that is difficult to control occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events or activities.
  2. Motor tension (e.g., restlessness, tiredness, shakiness, muscle tension).
  3. Autonomic hyperactivity (e.g., palpitations, shortness of breath, dry mouth, trouble swallowing, nausea, diarrhea).
  4. Hypervigilance (e.g., feeling constantly on edge, experiencing concentration difficulties, having trouble falling or staying asleep, exhibiting a general state of irritability).
  5. Open text box to add more

*Section headers will be displayed through a note)
(Plan to us dropdown for this section)

  1. Reduce overall frequency, intensity, and duration of the anxiety so that daily functioning is not impaired.
  2. Stabilize anxiety level while increasing ability to function on a daily basis.
  3. Resolve the core conflict that is the source of anxiety.
  4. Enhance ability to effectively cope with the full variety of life's worries and anxieties.
  5. Learn and implement coping skills that result in a reduction of anxiety and worry, and improved daily functioning.
  6. Open text box to add more

(Unsure how to set up a workflow to show only associated therapeutic interventions after selecting short-term objectives)

  1. Describe situations, thoughts, feelings, and actions associated with anxieties and worries, their impact on functioning, and attempts to resolve them. (1, 2)
  2. Complete psychological tests designed to assess worry and anxiety symptoms. (3)
  3. Complete a medical evaluation to assess for possible contribution of medical or substance-related conditions to the anxiety. (4)
  4. Provide behavioral, emotional, and attitudinal information toward an assessment of specifiers relevant to a DSM diagnosis, the efficacy of treatment, and the nature of the therapy relationship. (5, 6, 7, 8)
  5. Open text box to add more


  1. Focus on developing a level of trust with the client; provide support and empathy to encourage the client to feel safe in expressing his/her GAD symptoms.
  2. Ask the client to describe his/her past experiences of anxiety and their impact on functioning; assess the focus, excessiveness, and uncontrollability of the worry and the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of his/her anxiety symptoms (consider using a structured interview such as The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Adult Version).
  3. Administer psychological tests or objective measures to help assess the nature and degree of the client's worry and anxiety and their impact on functioning (e.g., The Penn State Worry Questionnaire; 0Q-45.2; the Symptom Checklist-90-R.
  4. Refer the client to a physician for a medical evaluation to rule out general medical or substance-related causes of the GAD.
  5. Assess the client's level of insight (syntonic versus dystonic) toward the "presenting problems" (e.g., demonstrates good insight into the problematic nature of the "described behavior," agrees with others' concern, and is motivated to work on change; demonstrates ambivalence regarding the "problem described" and is reluctant to address the issue as a concern; or demonstrates resistance regarding acknowledgment of the "problem described," is not concerned, and has no motivation to change).
  6. Assess the client for evidence of research-based correlated disorders (e.g., oppositional defiant behavior with ADHD, depression secondary to an anxiety disorder) including vulnerability to suicide, if appropriate (e.g., increased suicide risk when comorbid depression is evident).
  7. Assess for any issues of age, gender, or culture that could help explain the client's currently defined "problem behavior" and factors that could offer a better understanding of the client's behavior.Assess for the severity of the level of impairment to the client's functioning to determine appropriate level of care (e.g., the behavior noted creates mild, moderate, severe, or very severe impairment in social, relational, vocational, or occupational endeavors); continuously assess this severity of impairment as well as the efficacy of treatment (e.g., the client no longer demonstrates severe impairment but the presenting problem now is causing mild or moderate impairment).
  8. Open text box to add more

Thank you in advance for your feedback and help!


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Hi @Edward_Darrah

First off, there are mainly two ways to submit this information to a google form.

Method 1 is to use autopilot commands to move across the various fields and fill in the information.
Method 2 is to use {urlsend} to send the information directly to the google form without even needing to open it.

The first one isn't a great option when you have long or complex forms, so I don't recommend it in this case.

That said, I would keep things simple. Why not break this up into multiple snippets?

For instance, you would still need to type the patient details. Why not type them directly into the google form? Then you can use Text Blaze to handle the more complex sections.

With regards to the definitions, goals, objectives and interventions sections, could you tell me a bit more about how you'd want those to work? Are you looking to have something in the form of a dropdown menu where you select one or more options?

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Is the form being written by the healthcare provider?

If it's written by the provider, you can just create those options as drop-down items. You wouldn't even really need a Google Form and could use a Google Doc. If you wanted to use a Google Form, you could just put those options directly into the Form and you wouldn't even need TextBlaze.

My apologies, I should have noted that most of the form would be pre-filled with patient info from previously collected data.

The sections in question are the following:


Since these sections have specific interventions based on the selected short-term and long-term goals, I was hoping to find a way to hide and show choices based on the chosen goals.

Sorry for the confusion. The form was to show you how workflow would look.

Hi @Edward_Darrah

The snippet I built for you does exactly what you're asking. But here's a simplified version so you can templatize it.

{note: preview=no; trim=yes}
Add the your desired options in the command below. Please use one option per line as in the example.

option 1
option 2
option 3

{list=sort(filter(unique(split(options, "\n")), item -> item <> ""), (a, b) -> comparestrings(a, b))}

{endnote: trim=yes}

{formmenu: values={=merge(["Make a choice"], list)}; name=choice}{if: choice=="Make a choice"}{error: Please make a choice; block=yes}{endif}

{if: choice=="option 1"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 1".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 2"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 2".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 3"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 3".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 1" OR choice=="option 2"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 1" OR "option 2".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 1" OR choice=="option 3"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 1" OR "option 3".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 2" OR choice=="option 3"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 2" OR "option 3".
{endif: trim=right}
{if: choice=="option 1" OR choice=="option 2" OR choice=="option 3"; trim=right}
This shows up because I picked "option 1" OR "option 2" OR "option 3".
{endif: trim=right}

It can also be done with multiple-choice dropdown menus, but the commands would be slightly different. Let me know if you'd like an example of that.


@Cedric_Debono_Blaze thank you so much. This is what I needed. I am grateful for your help.

Also, my apologies for the delayed reply.


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@Edward_Darrah - anytime :slight_smile:

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Follow-up questions. After selecting an option from the dropdown is there a way to deselect/remove some of the chocies that are presented? For example, if I pick option 1, and five possible answers appear. What would be the best way to deselect them if I only want to include 3 out of the five possible choices? I was thinking that when the choices appear, they could have a checkbox, and I would uncheck options that are not needed.

Would this be possible?

Hi @Edward_Darrah

Could you give me a practical example please?