TVD and TVDss Calculator for deviated Oil Wells

Snippet used to calculate a central point data between two know data points

Snippet to calculate depths between two points in an Oil well survey by simple reggresion method. 

Please type the well survey data for the first point
Depth MD: {formtext: name=MD1; default=1} Depth TVDss: {formtext: name=TVDss1; default=10} Depth TVD: {formtext: name=TVD1; default=5}
{if: catch(md1<= 0, yes)}{error: The MD of the first point is not greater than 0!; block=yes}{endif}

Please type the well survey data for the second point
Depth MD: {formtext: name=MD2; default=10} Depth TVDss: {formtext: name=TVDss2; default=10} Depth TVD: {formtext: name=TVD2; default=5}
{if: catch(md2<= md1, yes)}{error: The MD of the second point is not greater than MD from the first point!; block=yes}{endif}
Please type the measured depth at which you want to calculate TVDss and TVD: {formtext: name=MDreq; default=5}
{if: catch(md2<= mdreq, yes)}{error: The MD of the requested point is not lesser than MD from the second point!; block=yes}{endif}
{pendienteTVDss=(TVDss2-TVDss1)/(MD2-MD1)} {pendienteTVD=(TVD2-TVD1)/(MD2-MD1)}{InterseccionTVDss=TVDss2-(MD2pendienteTVDss)}{InterseccionTVD=TVD2-(MD2pendienteTVD)}Point 1 Survey: MD = {=MD1} TVDss = {=TVDss1} TVD = {=TVD1}

Calculated Point: MD = {=MDreq} TVDss = {=MDreqpendienteTVDss+interseccionTVDss; format=,.2f} TVD = {=MDreqpendienteTVD+interseccionTVD; format=,.2f}

Point 2 Survey: MD = {=MD2} TVDss = {=TVDss2} TVD = {=TVD2}