Unnecesary space

------------ Missing Info ------------
What is needed:{key: enter; trim=no}
{note}{formmenu: Wisconsin; Address; Paystub; SSA; VA; Credit; Ownership; Co - Borrower; name=choices; multiple=yes; cols=15}{endnote}{note}{formmenu: Automatic; default=Manual Selection; name=Read Income Request}{endnote}
{if: `read income request` = "Manual Selection"; trim=yes}{else}{note}{formmenu: default=1; default=2; 3; 4; name=choices2; multiple=yes; formatter=items -> join(items, "BLAZE_AND")}{endnote}{key: enter; trim=no}
{if: includes(choices2, "1"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :nth-child(1) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: includes(choices2, "2"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.mock-table-row > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices2, "3"); trim=right}{site: ; select=ifneeded; selector=#reqDocsContainer :nth-child(3) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: includes(choices2, "4"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :last-child > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif: trim=no}{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: Due to Wisconsin Law if married i need the first and last name of your spousal and the address of your spousal ,if not married i just need you to write in your notepad and upload that as document, or write it on paper{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: In order to proceed with this application, please upload a bank statement as a PDF reflecting your current residential address and your name, dated within the last 30 days. Please note we need the full document{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: Please contact Experian and have the freeze on your credit lifted. Once completed, please contact us and confirm the credit freeze has been lifted.{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* VA: benefits letter - ebenefits.va.gov STEP 1: Confirm address STEP 2: Select "Benefits Summary” STEP 3: Double click to open the letter in a new window, pop-up blockers may be an issue... save as PDF and upload to slot provided on application.{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA: Please upload a current Social Security Award letter. Please refer to How can I get a benefit verification letter? for assistance. Alternately, you may upload your 2ad022 SSA-1099 form{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: Please provide a written statement confirming if you have ownership in your employer. If so, please provide your percentage, length of ownership, and tax filing status (C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship).{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co-Borrower: In order get the initial offer you were requesting you will have to add a co borrower and MUST put $1 as stated income, cause i will not verify the income you put as stated and get the offer you requested{endif: trim=left}

{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Why is this needed:{formtoggle: name=NI; default=no; trim=yes}not enough income{endformtoggle}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: Mbr is a WI resident and must verify spousal information{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: Pagaya Loan must verify address before we can proceed with application{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: mbr has the credit frozen{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* mbr has VA disability{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA: need SSA to get more income {endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co-Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
If doc was uploaded, what made it unacceptable?:
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: unable to get spousal information from mbr{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: unable to build offers while the credit is frozen, asking the mbr to unfreeze the credit{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* VA: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA:{formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co - Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Outcome of offer w/o docs?: (Offer change/Decline):
{formtoggle: name=Decline; default=no; trim=right}Decline{endformtoggle: trim=yes}{formtoggle: name=Offer Change; default=no; trim=yes}Offer Change{endformtoggle: trim=yes} {formtoggle: name=NA; default=no; trim=yes}NA{endformtoggle: trim=left}
Term - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Loan Amount - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Rate - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
Income Calc - {formtoggle: name=b1 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=B2 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}
{if: calculation = ""}
{if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}---B1:---
{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: `b2 calc`= "yes"}---B2:---
{site: text; page= select=yes; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]; multiple=no}{endif}{else}{endif: trim=yes}
{if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}{else}

{formparagraph: trim=no; cols=52; rows=5; name=Calculation}
{if: calculation = ""}{error: Agregar cualquier calculo que se haya hecho, si no se hizo calculacion, explicar al menos por que.; block=yes}{else}{endif}{endif: trim=left}

can someone help me clear all that unnecesary space on the template, when using trim is difficult or give me an idea, thank you

Hi @Aldo_Barahona ,
The issue is with new lines between if conditions.

I added new lines within condition than outside the condition. So the new line is only added if required.

Here are the sample of changes.


Also removed trim on all the commands to avoid unnecessary removal of spaces.

Full snippet

------------ Missing Info ------------
What is needed:{key: enter}
{note}{formmenu: Wisconsin; Address; Paystub; SSA; VA; Credit; Ownership; Co - Borrower; name=choices; multiple=yes; cols=15}{endnote}{note}{formmenu: Automatic; default=Manual Selection; name=Read Income Request}{endnote}
{if: `read income request` = "Manual Selection"}{else}{note}{formmenu: default=1; default=2; 3; 4; name=choices2; multiple=yes; formatter=items -> join(items, "BLAZE_AND")}{endnote}{key: enter}{if: includes(choices2, "1")}
{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :nth-child(1) > :nth-child(3)}{key: enter}{endif}{if: includes(choices2, "2")}
{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.mock-table-row > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(3)}{key: enter}{endif}{if: includes(choices2, "3")}
{site: ; select=ifneeded; selector=#reqDocsContainer :nth-child(3) > :nth-child(3)}{key: enter}{endif}{if: includes(choices2, "4")}
{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :last-child > :nth-child(3)}{key: enter}{endif}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin")}
* Wisconsin: Due to Wisconsin Law if married i need the first and last name of your spousal and the address of your spousal ,if not married i just need you to write in your notepad and upload that as document, or write it on paper{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Address")}
* Address: In order to proceed with this application, please upload a bank statement as a PDF reflecting your current residential address and your name, dated within the last 30 days. Please note we need the full document{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Paystub")}
* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Credit")}
* Credit: Please contact Experian and have the freeze on your credit lifted. Once completed, please contact us and confirm the credit freeze has been lifted.{endif}{if: includes(choices, "VA")}
* VA: benefits letter - ebenefits.va.gov STEP 1: Confirm address STEP 2: Select "Benefits Summary” STEP 3: Double click to open the letter in a new window, pop-up blockers may be an issue... save as PDF and upload to slot provided on application.{endif}{if: includes(choices, "SSA")}
* SSA: Please upload a current Social Security Award letter. Please refer to How can I get a benefit verification letter? for assistance. Alternately, you may upload your 2ad022 SSA-1099 form{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Ownership")}
* Ownership: Please provide a written statement confirming if you have ownership in your employer. If so, please provide your percentage, length of ownership, and tax filing status (C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship).{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}
* Co-Borrower: In order get the initial offer you were requesting you will have to add a co borrower and MUST put $1 as stated income, cause i will not verify the income you put as stated and get the offer you requested{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}
{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Why is this needed:{formtoggle: name=NI; default=no}not enough income{endformtoggle}{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin")}
* Wisconsin: Mbr is a WI resident and must verify spousal information{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Address")}
* Address: Pagaya Loan must verify address before we can proceed with application{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Paystub")}
* Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Credit")}
* Credit: mbr has the credit frozen{endif}{if: includes(choices, "VA")}
* mbr has VA disability{endif}{if: includes(choices, "SSA")}
* SSA: need SSA to get more income {endif}{if: includes(choices, "Ownership")}
* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}
* Co-Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}
{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
If doc was uploaded, what made it unacceptable?:{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin")}
* Wisconsin: unable to get spousal information from mbr{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Address")}
* Address: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Paystub")}
* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Credit")}
* Credit: unable to build offers while the credit is frozen, asking the mbr to unfreeze the credit{endif}{if: includes(choices, "VA")}
* VA: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "SSA")}
* SSA:{formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Ownership")}
* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}
* Co - Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif}{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}
{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Outcome of offer w/o docs?: (Offer change/Decline):
{formtoggle: name=Decline; default=no}Decline{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=Offer Change; default=no}Offer Change{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=NA; default=no}NA{endformtoggle}
Term - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Loan Amount - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Rate - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
Income Calc - {formtoggle: name=b1 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=B2 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}
{if: calculation = ""}
{if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}---B1:--- {site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]}{key: enter}{endif} {if: `b2 calc`= "yes"}---B2:--- {site: text; page=select=yes; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]; multiple=no}{endif}{else}{endif} {if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}{else}

{formparagraph: cols=52; rows=5; name=Calculation}
{if: calculation = ""}{error: Agregar cualquier calculo que se haya hecho, si no se hizo calculacion, explicar al menos por que.; block=yes}{else}{endif}{endif}


thanks for taking the time, it works perfectly, appreciate it :slight_smile:

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