------------ Missing Info ------------
What is needed:{key: enter; trim=no}
{note}{formmenu: Wisconsin; Address; Paystub; SSA; VA; Credit; Ownership; Co - Borrower; name=choices; multiple=yes; cols=15}{endnote}{note}{formmenu: Automatic; default=Manual Selection; name=Read Income Request}{endnote}
{if: `read income request` = "Manual Selection"; trim=yes}{else}{note}{formmenu: default=1; default=2; 3; 4; name=choices2; multiple=yes; formatter=items -> join(items, "BLAZE_AND")}{endnote}{key: enter; trim=no}
{if: includes(choices2, "1"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :nth-child(1) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: includes(choices2, "2"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.mock-table-row > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices2, "3"); trim=right}{site: ; select=ifneeded; selector=#reqDocsContainer :nth-child(3) > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: includes(choices2, "4"); trim=right}{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=#requiredDocs :last-child > :last-child > :nth-child(3); trim=left}{key: enter}{endif: trim=no}{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: Due to Wisconsin Law if married i need the first and last name of your spousal and the address of your spousal ,if not married i just need you to write in your notepad and upload that as document, or write it on paper{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: In order to proceed with this application, please upload a bank statement as a PDF reflecting your current residential address and your name, dated within the last 30 days. Please note we need the full document{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: Please contact Experian and have the freeze on your credit lifted. Once completed, please contact us and confirm the credit freeze has been lifted.{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* VA: benefits letter - ebenefits.va.gov STEP 1: Confirm address STEP 2: Select "Benefits Summary” STEP 3: Double click to open the letter in a new window, pop-up blockers may be an issue... save as PDF and upload to slot provided on application.{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA: Please upload a current Social Security Award letter. Please refer to How can I get a benefit verification letter? for assistance. Alternately, you may upload your 2ad022 SSA-1099 form{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: Please provide a written statement confirming if you have ownership in your employer. If so, please provide your percentage, length of ownership, and tax filing status (C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship).{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co-Borrower: In order get the initial offer you were requesting you will have to add a co borrower and MUST put $1 as stated income, cause i will not verify the income you put as stated and get the offer you requested{endif: trim=left}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Why is this needed:{formtoggle: name=NI; default=no; trim=yes}not enough income{endformtoggle}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: Mbr is a WI resident and must verify spousal information{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: Pagaya Loan must verify address before we can proceed with application{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: mbr has the credit frozen{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* mbr has VA disability{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA: need SSA to get more income {endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co-Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
If doc was uploaded, what made it unacceptable?:
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin"); trim=right}* Wisconsin: unable to get spousal information from mbr{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Address"); trim=right}* Address: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Paystub"); trim=right}* Paystub: Upload most recent paystub from "{formtext: cols=10; trim=no}" make sure has year to date information, taxes and deductions, pay frequency breakdown of the earnings{endif}
{if: includes(choices, "Credit"); trim=right}* Credit: unable to build offers while the credit is frozen, asking the mbr to unfreeze the credit{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "VA"); trim=right}* VA: {formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "SSA"); trim=right}* SSA:{formmenu: default=; Expired document; Not a valid Proof of income; cut off document; No doc uploaded}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Ownership"); trim=right}* Ownership: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Co - Borrower"); trim=right}* Co - Borrower: {formparagraph: cols=20}{endif: trim=no}
{if: includes(choices, "Wisconsin") or includes(choices, "Address") or includes(choices, "Paystub") or includes(choices, "Credit") or includes(choices, "VA") or includes(choices, "SSA") or includes(choices, "Ownership") or includes(choices, "Co - Borrower")}{else}{formparagraph: cols=40; rows=10}{endif}
Outcome of offer w/o docs?: (Offer change/Decline):
{formtoggle: name=Decline; default=no; trim=right}Decline{endformtoggle: trim=yes}{formtoggle: name=Offer Change; default=no; trim=yes}Offer Change{endformtoggle: trim=yes} {formtoggle: name=NA; default=no; trim=yes}NA{endformtoggle: trim=left}
Term - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Loan Amount - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
New Rate - {if: decline = "yes" or na = "yes"}NA{endif}{if: `offer change` = "yes"}{formtext: cols=7}{endif}
Income Calc - {formtoggle: name=b1 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=B2 calc; default=no}{endformtoggle}
{if: calculation = ""}
{if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}---B1:---
{site: text; page=; select=ifneeded; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]}{key: enter}{endif}
{if: `b2 calc`= "yes"}---B2:---
{site: text; page= select=yes; selector=.active [name="incomeCalculationInput"]; multiple=no}{endif}{else}{endif: trim=yes}
{if: `b1 calc` = "yes"}{else}
{formparagraph: trim=no; cols=52; rows=5; name=Calculation}
{if: calculation = ""}{error: Agregar cualquier calculo que se haya hecho, si no se hizo calculacion, explicar al menos por que.; block=yes}{else}{endif}{endif: trim=left}
can someone help me clear all that unnecesary space on the template, when using trim is difficult or give me an idea, thank you