Did you know you can use our GPT OpenAI integration to ask questions about your Data Blaze data?
Below are a few examples.
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There are 3 snippets below:
- The first will answer the question "What is the most expensive product?"
- The second will answer the question "What products are currently in stock?"
- The third will answer the question "Whatis the combined cost of all products?"
{dbselect: SELECT Product, Price, Rating, stock FROM Products; space=id; menu=no; multiple=yes; name=products}
{openai-text: Below is a list of our products. What is the most expensive product?
{dbselect: SELECT Product, Price, Rating, stock FROM Products; space=id; menu=no; multiple=yes; name=products}
{openai-text: Below is a list of our products. Which products are currently in stock?
{dbselect: SELECT Product, Price, Rating, stock FROM Products; space=id; menu=no; multiple=yes; name=products}
{openai-text: Below is a list of our products. What is the total cost of all products (expressed in $)?