Using Tab function to move without forms


How do I go from to in the example below please? Without using the form function on text-blaze. I would love to be able to tab/tab/tab my way down the list below and insert quick values. The reason why I wish not to use the form function is because the pop-up is not user friendly from a electronic medical record when you have a patient in front of you / required the use of your mouse.

I have tried the tab command function as described in another thread and it does not work. It just adds a tabulated space when inserting my text below.

Thank you so much in advance for your help.

Recent Labs

  • CBC:
    .......Hb (normal: g/L)
    .......MCV (normal: fL )
    .......Reticulocytes (normal: 10^9/L)
    .......Plt (normal: 10^9/L)
    .......Ferritin (normal: ug/L)
    .......TIBC (normal: umol/L)
  • Electrolytes:
    .......K+ (normal: mmol/L)
    .......Na+ (normal: mmol/L)
  • Kidney Function:
    .......Cr (normal: mmol/L)
    .......eGFR (normal: mL/min/1.73m^2 )
    .......Alb/Cr ratio (normal: mg/mmol)
  • Diabetes:
    .......Glucose (normal: mmol/L)
    .......Hb1Ac (normal: %)
  • Liver Function:
    ....... ALP (normal: %)
    ....... ALT (normal: %)
    ....... AST (normal: %)
    ....... Bili (normal: %)
    ....... GGT (normal: %)
  • Lipid Profile:
    .......Total Cholesterol (normal: mmol/L)
    .......LDL (normal: mmol/L)
    .......HDL (normal: mmol/L)
    .......TG (normal: mmol/L)
    ....... CK (normal: mmol/L)
  • Endocrine:
    .......TSH (normal mIU/L)
    .......Free T3/T4 (normal: pmol/L)
    .......Anti-TPO (normal: IU/mL)
  • Other:

Hi @Sarah_Moussa,

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

You can enable quick entry forms by changing the settings in the command sidebar. Using this setting, you can easily jump to the next form fields with the Tab key and submit the form using Enter key without using the mouse at all.

Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 11.52.12 PM

For example, if I have the following snippet, the form will look as in the attached screenshot.

{formtext: name=Hb}Hb (normal: g/L)
{formtext: name=MCV}MCV (normal: fL )
{formtext: name=Reticulocytes}Reticulocytes (normal: 10^9/L)
{formtext: name=Pit}Plt (normal: 10^9/L)
{formtext: name=Ferritin}Ferritin (normal: ug/L)
{formtext: name=TIBC}TIBC (normal: umol/L)

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