How do I go from to in the example below please? Without using the form function on text-blaze. I would love to be able to tab/tab/tab my way down the list below and insert quick values. The reason why I wish not to use the form function is because the pop-up is not user friendly from a electronic medical record when you have a patient in front of you / required the use of your mouse.
I have tried the tab command function as described in another thread and it does not work. It just adds a tabulated space when inserting my text below.
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Recent Labs
- CBC:
.......Hb (normal: g/L)
.......MCV (normal: fL )
.......Reticulocytes (normal: 10^9/L)
.......Plt (normal: 10^9/L)
.......Ferritin (normal: ug/L)
.......TIBC (normal: umol/L) - Electrolytes:
.......K+ (normal: mmol/L)
.......Na+ (normal: mmol/L) - Kidney Function:
.......Cr (normal: mmol/L)
.......eGFR (normal: mL/min/1.73m^2 )
.......Alb/Cr ratio (normal: mg/mmol) - Diabetes:
.......Glucose (normal: mmol/L)
.......Hb1Ac (normal: %) - Liver Function:
....... ALP (normal: %)
....... ALT (normal: %)
....... AST (normal: %)
....... Bili (normal: %)
....... GGT (normal: %) - Lipid Profile:
.......Total Cholesterol (normal: mmol/L)
.......LDL (normal: mmol/L)
.......HDL (normal: mmol/L)
.......TG (normal: mmol/L)
....... CK (normal: mmol/L) - Endocrine:
.......TSH (normal mIU/L)
.......Free T3/T4 (normal: pmol/L)
.......Anti-TPO (normal: IU/mL) - Other: