Copy of Snippet "Airtable record lister"

Thanks Gaurang for quick help. However, the link of the folder is not working when I am trying.

I mixed up copying the link. It's updated now. Please have a look.


@Pratik_Shah - there's a reason I like to call him "Go-Go-Gaurang". He always comes to the rescue :sunglasses:

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Thanks Gaurang. Its fetching the details now. I may require your help more on exactly how I want it to work.

Similar to your original post about Airtable Record listener, I want Baserow to work similar. E.g. It should give an option to select a record (dropdown) and based on record, I can fetch required column value. I am not sure how to do it.

Sorry to ask more and more, but as you know, I am non-tech person, its little difficult to figure it out by myself.

You are absolutely correct. His help earlier was so much beneficial to me. But at the same time, you have also came to my rescue when I started using TextBlaze initially. I am thankful to TextBlaze Team and the Community.

Glad to know it's working. I have updated the snippet in the folder based on your further request. Let me know if that's similar to what you wanted. Cheers!

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Thank you so much Gaurang. It worked.
This also has limit of 100 records per API call like Airtable.